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By: Mdm Qhairunisa Hinsan
What is idiom?

• /ˈɪdɪəm/
• a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not
deducible from those of the individual words (e.g. over the
moon, see the light ).
Lets watch a video together
A Piece of cake
• Something easy to do.
• Example: Giving Maria a make-over was a piece of cake,
because she's so naturally beautiful.
Rock the boat
• say or do something to disturb an existing situation and upset
• Example: "I don't want to rock the boat"
Walking on pins and needles
• very anxious or nervous about something that is going to
• Example: She was on pins and needles before she starts
singing in front of her friends.
Its Raining Cats and Dogs
• A heavy downpour, rain coming down very quickly and hard.
• Example:“There's no way they'll be playing at the park, it's
raining cats and dogs out there!”
Any question?

• Please write all the idioms in a book or in a piece

of paper with the example.

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