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 What was your favorite subject at school? Why?

 Do you like history?
 Do you think it is important to learn history? Why?
 What period of history would you like to go back and live in?
ancient history

 slang Something that is very outdated or totally fo
rgotten (often in favor of a more recent developm

 Oh, Jack is ancient history, we broke up weeks ag
be history

 1. To be dead, destroyed, or in deep trouble after something negative happens. 
You'll be history once the principal finds out you plagiarized that paper.
 2. To be a thing of the past; to be no longer relevant.
A: "I thought that you didn't get along with Jenny.“
 B: "Oh, that's history! We're friends now."
history repeats itself

 when something that has happened in the past recurs in the present. Can be used i
n the negative to mean the opposite.

And, once again, I got dumped. History repeats itself.
I'm history

 slang I'm leaving.

I don't have to listen to this criticism—I'm history!
make history

 To do something historically significant; to do something important that will be re
membered and recorded for a long time.
She made history by becoming the first woman to hold the position.
on the wrong side of history

 A phrase usually used to describe outdated political decisions or practices.

Someone needs to tell the president that his sexist statements put him on the wrong side of hist
rewrite the history books

 1. To create a false narrative about how a historical event happened so as to promo
te one's own personal agenda or beliefs.
The government is being accused of rewriting the history books by instructing school
s to use textbooks that paint its formation 200 years ago (and the subsequent decimat
ion of the indigenous population here) in a more positive light.
 2. To achieve a level of success that sets a new record or goes against a history of 
performing poorly. Used especially in reference to sports.
After missing out on the playoffs for nearly 50 years in a row, the team has been on a 
huge winning streak this season, and it has a chance to rewrite the history books by n
ot only making the playoffs, but winning the whole championship.
 What period of history interests you the most?
 What do you think of the recent history of your country- the past fifty years?
 Do you think history repeats itself?
already, just,yet + present perfect
 You have to watch the TITANIC.
I have already seen it.
She has already seen it.

You have to read the book THE WAR AND PEACE.

I have already read that book.
When will you finish your work?
I have just finished it.
Yet -? At the end sentence
Have you been to Baku yet?
Have you listened to that song yet?
I haven’t started yet.
Have you seen the Shutter Island yet?

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