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An essay structure a great one, it should be:

• Paragraph 1 - Introduction
• Sentence 1 - Background statement 8
• Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
• Sentence 3 - Thesis
• Sentence 4 - Outline sentence

• Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph

• Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
• Sentence 2 - Example
• Sentence 3 - Discussion
• Sentence 4 – Conclusion

• Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph

• Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
• Sentence 2 - Example
• Sentence 3 - Discussion
• Sentence 4 – Conclusion

• Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
• Sentence 1 - Summary
• Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
• Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Band 8.0 – Writing part 1

There is too much noise in many public places in cities. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done to solve the problem?

Nowadays, most of the people living in cities are complaining that noise in public places is above the tolerance limit. There are myriad reasons for this problem that will be
discussed in the below paragraphs along with a solution.

Firstly, the Density of population has been surging in developed cities every day. To illustrate with numbers, the Bangalore City authorities have revealed in the latest press
conference that more than 10 lakh new residents migrated from the rural area and started living in the city within the past 1 year. It is evident that growth in the number of residents
urges more infrastructure and facilities. All the construction works create substantial noise which is the main pressing problem among the neighbourhood residents. In addition to
the above points, growth in population subsequently reasons for the increase in vehicle usage. It creates a lot of noise on public roads.

Secondly, there are numerous solutions to get rid of the noise issues. The most prevalent solution is distributing the civil development areas. planting more trees around the
residential area will block the sound, and help to maintain less noise. In fact, this solution was implemented in Chennai City last year and has demonstrated successful results.
Furthermore, Inducing the new rules in the traffic control system such as marking a few sensitive areas like hospital and school areas as no horn zones. Thus, these precautionary
actions would help to control noise.

In conclusion, while there are more sources that cause the noise we can mitigate them with simple solutions. Also, Local Government authorities can look for amicable solutions to
create a peaceful environment.

Submitted by Ravi Kumar Regalla on Mon Dec 13 2021


Band 8.0 – Writing part 1

There is too much noise in many public places in cities. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done to solve the problem?

Nowadays, most of the people living in cities are complaining that noise in public places is above the tolerance limit. There are myriad reasons for this problem that will be
discussed in the below paragraphs along with a solution.

Firstly, the Density of population has been surging in developed cities every day. To illustrate with numbers, the Bangalore City authorities have revealed in the latest press
conference that more than 10 lakh new residents migrated from the rural area and started living in the city within the past 1 year. It is evident that growth in the number of residents
urges more infrastructure and facilities. All the construction works create substantial noise which is the main pressing problem among the neighbourhood residents. In addition to
the above points, growth in population subsequently reasons for the increase in vehicle usage. It creates a lot of noise on public roads.

Secondly, there are numerous solutions to get rid of the noise issues. The most prevalent solution is distributing the civil development areas. planting more trees around the
residential area will block the sound, and help to maintain less noise. In fact, this solution was implemented in Chennai City last year and has demonstrated successful results.
Furthermore, Inducing the new rules in the traffic control system such as marking a few sensitive areas like hospital and school areas as no horn zones. Thus, these precautionary
actions would help to control noise.

In conclusion, while there are more sources that cause the noise we can mitigate them with simple solutions. Also, Local Government authorities can look for amicable solutions to
create a peaceful environment. 4
Submitted by Ravi Kumar Regalla on Mon Dec 13 2021


• Paragraph 1 - Introduction
• Sentence 1 - Background statement
• Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
• Sentence 3 - Thesis
• Sentence 4 - Outline sentence


• Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph

• Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
• Sentence 2 - Example
• Sentence 3 - Discussion
• Sentence 4 - Conclusion


• Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
• Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
• Sentence 2 - Example
• Sentence 3 - Discussion
• Sentence 4 - Conclusion


• Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
• Sentence 1 - Summary
• Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
• Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

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