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English for beginners: Elementary

Coursebook Part 1

Lesoon 1.2.
Grammar Animals around us

Amantay Amina. Group 302

● pronounce basic words denoting animals
● recognise simple greetings
● recognise basic colours

● Acquaintance with different animals
● Practice the types of animals
● Tasks
Animals around
Listen to the audio track and fill in the
missing words in the text

All around the world there are big animals, small

animals, and all sizes in between. Mammals, fish,
birds, reptiles, and other critters are all animals living
on Earth. Some animals are our friends, while others
provide us with food. There are many different types
of animals. Some animals are pets and others are not.
Different animals have different characteristics. There
are lots words used to describe animals!
Starting With
Write three more words starting with:
Thank you for your attention!!!

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