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Identifying the properties of a tree.
Identifying the characteristics and basic
operations of a tree.
Applying tree operations in problem
Applying the concept of trees in

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Why tree

 In linked lists, most operations like insert,

delete and find take O(N).
 In contrast, trees take O(log N) on an
average for most operations.
 An common application of trees is in storing
the directory structure of computer file

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 The tree is a nonlinear data structure used to store data

in hierarchical form.
 Trees can be used to store arithmetic expressions, store
data in hierarchical form such as organization chart and
also used in the field of artificial intelligence to store a
particular data.
 It is suitable to store big and dynamic data to enable fast
access to data.
 There are a variety of trees, such as general tree, binary
tree, binary search tree, expression tree and AVL tree.
 Examples of application that usually uses tree structure
are information retrieval and file management system.

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Tree: Definitions

 A tree is a collection of zero or more nodes.

 A tree with zero nodes is called an empty tree.
 Every tree has a special or distinguished node called the root.
 The root again can have zero or more nodes under it. These
nodes are called the subtrees of the root.
 The root of each subtree under the tree’s root ‘r’ is a called the
child of the root ‘r’.
 ‘r’ is the called the parent of each child of ‘r’.
 The definition of trees is recursive: The subtrees of the root
again have subtrees and so on.

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Definition of tree

 A tree may be a null tree (contains no node) or non-null

 A non-null tree must have the following characteristics:
1. Has a root node.
2. Every node may have one or more other nodes known as
child node.
3. Each node except the root node must have one parent

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Terminologies in Trees

 There are many terminologies in the tree

structure. For the following terminologies,
refer to Figure 1.
A Level 0

Level 1

D E F G Level 2

H I Level 3
Figure 1
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Root node

 Root node – Node A is the root node

A Root node



H I Level 3

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Parent node

 Parent node – Node A is also the parent

node to node B and node C. Node C is the
parent node to node E, F and G.
A Parent to B,C

B C Parent to E,F,G


H I Level 3

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Child node

 Child node – Node B and C are children to

node A. Node D is child to node B. Node E, F
and G are children to node C.

B C B,C children to A

child to B D E F G

H I Level 3

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Leaf node

 Leaf node – A node that has no child is

called a leaf node or terminal node.
(Examples are node E, F, G, H and I)



Leaf nodes

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Non-leaf node

 Non-leaf node – Non-leaf nodes are nodes that have

child or subtrees. (Examples are node A, B, C and D)

Non-leaf nodes
Non-leaf nodes B C



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Sibling nodes

 Sibling nodes – Siblings are nodes with the same parent.

Node B and C are sibling nodes because they have the same
parent, i.e. node A. Nod H and I are sibling nodes because they
have the same parent, node D.

B,C are siblings


E,F,G are siblings

H I H,I are siblings

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Ancestor node

 Ancestor node – Ancestor nodes are nodes in the

path starting from the root node until the particular
node. e.g. the ancestor nodes for node H are nodes
A, B are D.




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Descendent node

 Descendent node – Descendent nodes are all

nodes below a particular node starting from the node
until the leaf nodes. e.g. the descendent nodes for
node B are node D, H and I.




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 Path – A path is a sequence of nodes connected by
branches from the root node to the particular node. e.g.
the path to node H is ABDH.




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 Branch – The straight line that

connects each node is called a branch




H I Level 3

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 Level – Every node in a tree can be put in a

particular level. The root node is always in
Level 0. According to Figure 1, node B and C
are in Level 1.
A Level 0

Level 1

D E F G Level 2

H I Level 3

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 Height – The height or depth of a tree is calculated based
on the farthest level of a node from the root plus 1. The
height of a null tree is -1. Figure 1 has level 0, 1, 2 and 3.
So the height of the tree is 4.

A Level 0

Level 1

D E F G Level 2

H I Level 3

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 Degree – The degree of a node can be calculated from
the number of child for the node. e.g. the degree of node
C is 3. The degree of a tree is the maximum degree on
the tree, i.e. 3 for our tree in Figure 1.


D E F G The degree of node C is 3


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 Subtree– The subtree is a structure of

nodes in a tree that forms another tree.
 The characteristics of a subtree is similar
to a tree where it has the root node,
parent, child, leaf, etc.

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 A subtree can be formed from node B, D, H
and I that form a left subtree for the root
node. Whereas node C, E, F and G form a
right subtree for the root node.
 The subtree can also contain a subtree e.g.
node D, H and I are a subtree for node B.
 Each leaf node is also a subtree.

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 Tree height =
 Degree of node 7 =
 Level 1 nodes =
 Parent of node 8 =
 Child(s) of node 5 =
 Leaf nodes =
 Sibling of node 6 =
 Ancestor(s) of node 10 =
 Descendent(s) of node 4 =
 Subtree of node 2 =

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Binary Trees

 Definition : A null tree OR a tree that contains the

root node and a left subtree or/and a right subtree,
each has no more than 2 children.
 Examples of binary trees

null tree

(a) (b) (c) (d)

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Ctd: examples of binary trees


(f) (g) (h)

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 Height of binary trees –
– Maximum height, H = Number of Nodes, N
– Minimum height, H = [ log2 N ] + 1
– Minimum number of Node = Height, H
– Maximum number of Node = 2H - 1
 Balanced binary tree –
– Balance Factor = H left – H right
– A binary tree is balanced if the balance factor is -1, 0 or 1;
AND the subtrees of the binary tree are also balanced.

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Complete binary trees –

– A complete binary tree must have the maximum

number of nodes.

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Nearly Complete Binary Trees

– A nearly complete binary tree has the minimum

height for its nodes and the last node is on the left
of the subtree.

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 Exercise : Draw all the possible binary trees

with 4 nodes.

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Binary Tree Traversals
 Traversing a tree is to visit all its nodes starting from the root

 One operation that is usually done on binary trees is tree


 In this traversal operation, every node in a binary tree will be

visited or traversed at least once.

 There are two types of traversal sequences :-

– Depth First Traversal
– Breadth First Traversal

 There are three types of Breadth First Traversal sequence :-

– Preorder Traversal
– Inorder Traversal
– Postorder Traversal

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N – root node L – left subtree node

R – right subtree node
 Preorder : NLR
 Inorder : LNR
 Postorder : LRN

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Preorder Traversal – NLR

 The preorder traversal needs the root node to be processed
first, followed by the left subtree nodes, then the right subtree
Inorder Traversal – LNR
 The inorder traversal needs the left subtree nodes to be
processed first, followed by the root node, then the right subtree
Postorder Traversal – LRN
 The postorder traversal needs the left subtree nodes to be
processed first, followed by the right subtree nodes, then the
root node.

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 The diagrams show examples of traversal.

6 9

Preorder: EON, 2 7
Inorder: OEN,
Postorder: ONE Preorder : 8 6 2 7 9
Inorder : 2 6 7 8 9
Postorder : 2 7 6 9 8
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 Exercise : What are the results of Preorder, Inorder

and Postorder traversals for the following trees.

a *

b c

4 5

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Preorder : - a * b c Preorder : 1 2 3 4 5
Inorder : a – b * c Inorder : 1 4 3 5 2
Postorder : a b c * - Postorder : 4 5 3 2 1

Create a tree from the following statement : 3+8*4/2

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Breadth First Traversals

 Needs all nodes in a level to be processed

first from the root node in Level 0, to the left
subtree to the right subtree in level 1,
proceeding to the deeper levels.
Example of traversal for the diagram :-


Breadth First Traversal : D A E B C F
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Binary Search Trees

 To find an item in a linked list, every node must be examined

one by one sequentally.
 This method is inefficient because it takes a long time.
 A more efficient method is using the binary search tree.
 The binary search tree has the following properties:
– The value of all item in the left subtree < the value of the root
node item.
– The value of all item in the right subtree > the value of the root
node item.
– The left and right subtrees ARE ALSO binary search trees.
– All data in the tree nodes are unique.

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17 17

10 26 10 26

6 14 20 34 6 14 15 34

11 31 37 11 31 37


BST=binary search tree

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Implementation of Binary Search

 Every node in a tree must have at least 3 fields i.e.

the data field, the field that points to the left child,
and the field that points to the right child.

left info right

Pointer to left child data Pointer to right child

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Basic Operations of Binary Search

 Create a binary search tree

 Determine whether a tree is empty
 Find the number of nodes in a tree
 Search for an item in a tree
 Insert an item into a tree
 Delete an item from a tree
 Print the content of a tree

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Creating a Binary Search Tree

 The tree structure and class must be declared when

beginning to create a tree. The variable root that
represents the root must be set to NULL.
 Declaring the data struture of a tree.

template < class T >

class Node
T info;
Node *left;
Node *right;

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Declaring the tree class

template <class T> bool IsEmpty ( ) const;

class Tree int NumberOfNodes ( ) const;
{ int CountNodes ( Node *root );
private : void InsertItem ( T );
class Node void Insert ( Node*& root, T item );
{ void DeleteItem ( T ) ;
public: void Delete ( Node*& root, T item );
T info; void DeleteNode ( Node *& root );
Node *left; void RetrieveItem ( T&, bool& );
Node *right; void Retrieve(Node *root,T item, bool& found
}; );
Node *root; void GetPredecessor(Node*& root,T& data);
public : void PrintTree ( );
Tree ( ); void Print ( Node* root );
~Tree ( ); };

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Constructor & IsEmpty()

template < class T >

Tree <T> : : Tree ( )
{ <<< Constructor
root = NULL;

template < class T >

bool Tree <T> : : IsEmpty ( )
IsEmpty() – Determining if ( root = = NULL )
whether the tree is empty return true;
return false;

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Finding the number of nodes in the

 The process of counting the number of nodes in a

tree is done by calling a function that counts nodes
 The recursive function will count the number of
nodes in the left subtree, the number of node in the
right subtree, and the root node.
template < class T >
int Tree <T> : : NumberOfNodes ( ) const int CountNodes ( Node *root )
{ {
return CountNodes ( root ); if ( root = = NULL )
} return 0;
return CountNodes ( root -> left )
+ CountNodes ( root -> right ) + 1;

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Inserting an item into a tree

 The process of inserting a new node into a tree will

determine whether the tree is empty or not.
 If the tree is not empty, the insert operation will make
the new node as a leaf node in the left or right

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template < class T >
void Tree <T> : : InsertItem ( T item )
Insert ( root, item );

void Insert ( Node*& root, T item )

if ( root == NULL )
root = new Node;
root -> right = NULL;
root -> left = NULL;
root -> info = item;
else if ( item < root -> info )
Insert ( root -> left, item );
Insert ( root -> right, item );
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Deleting an item from a tree

 Consider three cases for the node to be deleted

– Deleting a node that has no children.
 Assign a NULL value to the parent node pointer field that points to
the node to be deleted.
– Deleting a node that has 1 child.
 Connect the parent node to the child of the node to be deleted.
(Move the child reference to the parent reference).
– Deleting a node that has 2 children.
 Find the node with the biggest value in the left subtree OR the node
with the smallest value in the right subtree of the node to be deleted.
 Replace the node to be deleted with the value of the chosen node.

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template < class T >
template < class T > void Tree<T>::DeleteNode(Node *& root )
void Tree <T>::DeleteItem (T item) {
{ T data;
Delete ( root, item ); Node *temPtr;
} temPtr = root;
if ( root->left == NULL && root->right ==
void Delete ( Node*& root, T item ) {
{ root = NULL;
if (root == NULL) return; delete temPtr;
if (item < root->info) }
Delete(root->left, item); else if ( root -> left == NULL )
else if (item > root->info) {
Delete(root->right, item); root = root -> right;
delete temPtr;
else }
DeleteNode(root); else if ( root -> right == NULL )
} {
root = root -> left;
void GetPredecessor(Node*& root,T& data) delete temPtr;
{ }
Node *Ptree = root; else
while ( Ptree -> right != NULL )
GetPredecessor ( root-> left, data );
Ptree = Ptree -> right; root -> info = data;
Data = Ptree -> info; Delete ( root -> left, data );
} }
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Example of Delete Operation in a
Binary Search Tree

 If the node to be deleted is a leaf node (has

no children), the process is simple.



Delete node H.

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 As H is a leaf node, the properties of a binary search
tree are preserved after node H is deleted (no
change in structure).


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Deleting a node that has 1 child.

 Example : Delete node A

 The subtree for its child will be pushed up.


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Deleting a node that has 2 children.

 Example : Delete node G

 Move up the smallest node in the right subtree to
replace the node to be deleted.
 In this example, node H is moved up to replace node





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Printing the content of a tree

 The printed result is in ascending order.

template < class T >
void Tree <T> : : PrintTree ( )
Print ( root );

void Print ( Node* root )

if ( root ! = NULL )
Print ( root -> left );
cout << root -> info;
Print ( root -> right );

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Searching for an item in a tree

 Steps to search for a node in a binary search tree :-

 The Retrieve function uses a recursive concept that
calls itself until the searched key/item is found or
until the tree has a value of NULL (Key/item not
 If the key is smaller than the node to be compared,
the search will be focused on the left subtree.
 If the key is greater than the node to be compared,
the search will be focused on the right subtree.

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Searching for an item in a tree
template < class T >
void Tree <T> : : RetrieveItem ( T item, bool&
found )
Retrieve ( root, item, found );

void Insert ( Node *root, T item, bool& found )

if ( root = = NULL )
found = false;
else if ( item < root -> info )
Retrieve ( root -> left, item, found );
else if ( item > root -> info )
Retrieve ( root -> right, item, found );
found = true;

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The Tree Class Implementation

 The tree class implementation allows calls to

functions that have beend declared above.
 Following are examples of implementation of
the function main for the tree class.

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main(): insert data

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Tree.h"
void main ( )
Tree <int> BST;
int itemI, itemD, itemR;
bool found = true;
cout << “Enter data, 0 to stop : " << endl;
cin >> itemI;
while ( itemI != 0 )
BST.InsertItem ( itemI );
cin >> itemI;

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main(): delete node

cout << “Enter data to be deleted :";

cin >> itemD;
if ( BST.IsEmpty ( ) )
cout << “Tree is empty" << endl;
BST.DeleteItem ( itemD );

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main(): node search & print tree

cout << "\n Enter data to be searched :";

cin >> itemR;
BST.RetrieveItem ( itemR, found );
if ( found == true )
cout << "Data found" << endl;
cout << "Data not found" << endl;

cout << "Data in order" << endl;

BST.PrintTree ( );

}//close main()

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Example of the Output

Enter data, 0 to stop :

35 20 10 5 46 55 61 0

Enter data to be deleted : 5

Enter data to be searched : 10

Data found

10 20 35 46 55 61

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Expression Trees

 An example of the application of binary tree

is the expression trees.
 One use of the binary tree is as a compiler.
 Expression trees are also used to represent
arithmetic expressions, comparison
expressions and logical expressions.
 Hence, the binary trees for these types are
also known as Expression trees.

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Depth First Traversal
Preorder : NLR
Inorder : LNR
Postorder : LRN

 An arithmetic expression tree is a binary tree with the following

properties :-
– Each leaf node is an operand (e.g. a, b, 1, 2, 1000, etc).
– The root and non-leaf nodes are operators (+,-,*,/,sin, cos, etc).
– Subtrees are subexpressions to the arithmetic expression.
orab,sinx,-*abc or bsin x(a * b) - c
 The following are examples of expression trees.
* c

a b x a b
a or b sin x (a * b) - c

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 Note that the leaf nodes in the above examples are operands
(constants or variables)
 The nodes other than the leaf nodes represent operators or
 From the same example, if the trees are traversed, hence:
Preorder : or a b sin x -*a b c
Inorder : a or b sin x a*b - c
Postorder : a b or x sin a b*c -
 For an expression tree, the order of traversal produces prefix,
infix and postfix expressions.
 Note that the infix expression is the true expression the most
commonly used.

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Creating an Expression Tree

 The method to build an expression tree from an infix expression is like

the following (if the priority of operation is from left to right):
– Take the middle operator as the root node.
– All operators and operands to the left of the nod become the left subtree.
– All operators and operands to the right of the nod become the right
– Note: Operands must become leaf nodes, and operators must become
subtrees’ root nodes.
– In this case, operands or leaf nodes are drawn with the symbol
and other nodes with the symbol .
 e.g. : a - b * c

a *

b c

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 Given the following arithmetic expression:-
 a*(b+c) +d
– Place parentheses at the right place according to the
priority of operation.
 ((a*(b+c))+d)
– Make the operator that has the first priority as the root node
of the first subexpression.

b c

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 Append the operator at the left of the
expression as a subexpression placed at
the upper left of the first subexpression.

a +

b c

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 Finally, append the operator that has the last priority as the
root node for the tree.

* d

a +

b c
 Make sure that the expression order does not change when
read from the tree.

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 Example 2

 Example 3
- a + (( c * b) / (a + 5)) - d

 Example 4
(- b + ( b | 2 - 4 * a * c ) | 0.5) / ( 2 * a )

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AVL Trees (Adelson-Velskii &

 In a balanced binary tree, the right subtree and the left subtree
has the same height.
 An AVL tree is a binary search tree in which the heights of the
left and right subtree are same or differ by 1.
 The AVL tree uses the concept of balance factor.
 Equal height  the heights of the left and right subtrees are
 Left higher  the left subtree has a greater height than than the
right subtree with a balance factor of 1.
 Right higher  the left subtree has a lesser height than than the
right subtree with a balance factor of -1.

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 The use of symbols to represent the AVL trees:
/ : left higher
- : equal height
\ : right higher
 If a new node is inserted (appended) to an AVL tree,
the balance of the tree must be examined.
 If the tree become unbalanced, rebalancing must be
done through the operation rotation.

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 Four cases require rebalancing.
 left of left – A left high tree’s subtree is also
left high. To balance, rotate the out of
balance node to the right (right rotation).

2 1
0 8

8 1 2
2 0
1 2

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 When node 12 is appended, node 18 will be
made the root node, node 20 will be the right
subtree for the root node.

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right of right - A right high tree’s subtree is also right high. To
balance, rotate the out of balance node to the left (left
When node 20 is appended, node 18 will be made the root
node, node 12 will be the left subtree for the root node.

1 1
2 8

8 1 2
2 0
1 0 2

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 right of left - A left high tree’s subtree is right
high. To balance is more complicated
because double rotation is needed.

1 1
2 2 8

4 8
4 1
1 2 3

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 When node 8 is appended, the first rotation i.e. left
rotation needs to be made to node 4. So node 12
will be made the root node, node 4 becomes the left
subtree, and node 8 must be placed in a suitable
location to fulfill the properties of a binary search
 Then do the second rotation i.e. right rotation to
node 12. Node 8 will be made the root node and
node 12 becomes the right subtree.

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 left of right - A right high tree’s subtree is left high.
Also needs double rotation.
– When node 8 is appended, the first rotation i.e. right
rotation needs to be made to node 44. So node 12 will be
made the root node, node 44 becomes the right subtree,
and node 18 must be placed in a suitable location to fulfill
the properties of a binary search tree.
– Then do the second rotation i.e. left rotation to node 12.
Node 18 will be made the root node and node 12
becomes the left subtree.

1 1
2 2 1

4 1
4 8 1 4
2 4
1 4
1 8 2 4 3

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The Node Insertion Process to AVL

 The following diagrams show the process of inserting

data to an AVL tree. The algorithm to insert/append
node to an AVL tree refers to page 637 - 641 of the

1 1
8 8

1 1 2
2 2 0
1 2

Append value 20 to tree

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 Steps to append a node into an AVL tree :-
– Choose a suitable leaf node that fulfills the properties
of an AVL tree for the node to be appended.
– Compare the node to be appended with the root node
whether it is smaller are greater.
– If it smaller than the root node, hence the append
process will take place at the left subtree; and vice
– The search begins at the root node until the leaf
nodes. Append the particular node to a suitable leaf
node by connecting both of them.

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– Determine whether the tree is balanced after the append
– Balance the AVL tree by doing the rotation operation
based on the 4 cases given.

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The Node Deletion Process in an
AVL Tree

 The node deletion process in an AVL tree is similar

to the node deletion process in a binary search tree.
 The algorithm to append node into an AVL tree can
be referred to pages 652 of the text book.
 Steps to delete a node from an AVL tree:-
– Determine whether the node is a leaf node.
– Follow the node deletion method as done in a binary search
– Determine whether the tree is still balanced after the
– If not, rebalance the AVL tree by doing the rotation
operation based on the 4 cases given.

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