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Major course output # 2 :

“ A Survey of entrepreneurial character


Presented By: James Bradley Huang IV - BS Accountancy

I. summary
One of the characteristics that may lead a person to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and become a
potential entrepreneur is their personality traits. The focus of this research was to identify potential entrepreneurs by
assessing their personality traits and providing a set of questionnaires that enabled them to assess their ability to
become better entrepreneurs in the future.

This study was conducted on 20 college students taking different courses. The range of their ages is
around 20 to 22 years old. There were more female respondents than males. The respondents' year levels were from
second-year to fourth-year levels. Then, the respondents’ courses were: education, mechanical engineer, accountancy,
marketing, export management, entrepreneurship, and finance management. The researcher used google form as a tool
to conduct a survey. The survey sheet contains eleven personality traits whereby the respondents rate themselves using
the characteristic scales, such as "I strongly possess this trait," "I possess this trait," "I fairly possess this trait," and "I
poorly possess this trait." Using the characteristics scale, we will identify if they have the qualities to become an
entrepreneur in the future based on their personality traits.

The study's findings and analysis were used to show the data. It was discovered that an individual's
personality attributes had a beneficial impact on becoming an entrepreneur. We also discovered that the majority of the
respondents are in business courses, meaning there is a significant connection between the courses they are taking and
their future career goals. They have the potential to be entrepreneurs.
II. data presentation
Age - the oldest and the youngest;

Figure 2.1 Age

Figure 2.1 shows the arrangement of respondents' ages, from oldest to youngest
respondents. 22 years old is the oldest respondent, while 19 years old is the youngest
II. data presentation

Figure 2.2: Gender

Figure 2.2 shows the percentages of male and female respondents. 65 percent of the respondents are

female, while 35 percent of the respondents are male.

II. data presentation

Figure 2.3: List Courses of Respondents

In figure 2.3 shows the list courses of the respondents. Majority of the
respondent are under business courses such as BS – Management, BSBA – Finance Management, BS –
Export Management, BS – Entrepreneurship, BS – Accountancy, BS – Marketing Management, BS – Hotel
and Restaurant Management. Then, followed by education courses such as BSED – Social Studies and BS
– Physical Education. The rest is BS – Mechanical Engineering.
II. data presentation

Figure 2.4: Year Level of the Respondents

Figure 2.4 depicts the number of respondents in each college year level. There are 12
respondents under 4th year level. Then, 7 respondents of 3rd year students and 1 respondent of 2nd year
II. data presentation
II. data presentation

Figure 2.5: Traits Very Strong Characteristics

In this figure 2.5 shows that 50 percent of the respondents has a very strong
characteristic of Resourceful.
II. data presentation

Figure 2.6: Traits with Very Little Characteristics

In Figure 2.6, 65% of the respondents possess the traits of optimism, dynamic, and self-confidence.
II. data presentation

Figure 2.7: Traits with I don’t Know Responses

In this figure 2.7 shows 15 percent of the respondents don’t know if they possess the traits of

Perseverant and A leader.

II. data presentation

Figure 2.5: Total Scores (Highest to Lowest)

The figure 2.5 shows the arrangement of total scores of the respondents, from highest to lowest

scores. 22 is the highest score of the respondents while -3 is the lowest.

III. analysis
● What traits are the most possessed by the respondents?

> The traits most commonly possessed by respondents were resourceful, calculated risk taker, creative
and perseverant. The majority of responders gave strong responses based on the four entrepreneurial
character traits listed on the tally sheets. It demonstrates that many students may be able to harness these
characteristics to become great entrepreneurs in the future.

● What traits are the least possessed by the respondents?

> The least possessed traits by the respondents are self – confident, dynamic and optimistic.
● What traits are respondents not aware if they possess?

> The traits that respondents were not aware of if they possessed were being market savvy, because
maybe they were not familiar with this word and what it means. Mostly, those who answered 0 are not sure
if they possess the entrepreneurial character trait or not.
● How many respondents showed high total scores (11 to 22)? Low total scores (1-10)? Negative total
scores (-11 to -22)? Zero total scores?

> The number of respondent got high total score are 12 (60%) respondents while 8 (40%)
respondents got a lowest score.
IV. Conclusion
The quantitative results show that 60 percent of the respondents have the potential to be an entrepreneur

because they got a high total score by measuring their personality traits. They are also the respondents who possessed

resourceful, calculated risk-takers, creative, and perseverance characteristics, which may have led them to be effective

entrepreneurs in the future. The researcher also found out that those respondents who got a high total score were

enrolled in business courses that engaged in the entrepreneurship industry.

In generalization, it’s beneficial to know yourself inside and out about your qualities in order to help you

choose a career path. This assessment survey is effective to identify if you have the potential to be an entrepreneur in

the future by assessing yourself based on your personality traits.

Thank you!!!

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