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 √4 = 2 , 2× 2 = 4
√9 = 3 , 3 × 3 = 9
√25 = 5 , 5× 5 = 25
 √81 = 9 , 9 × 9 = 81
√196 = 14 , 14 × 14 = 196
√100 = 10 , 10 × 10 = 100
√256 = 16 , 16 × 16 = 256
√324 = 18 , 18 × 18 = 324
√400 = 20 , 20 × 20 = 400
¿How is it calcuted ?

to find √17. First there are two natural numbers between which
the root is found. In the case of √17, the result is between 4 and 5
since √16 is 4 and √25 is 5.
 √17 is approximately 4.1.

Radical, is the symbol that indicates that it is a square root.

Radicand, is the number which square root we are calculating.
PERFECT SQUARES: they are the numbers that have exact square roots.
 Examples
 ³√8 = 2 , 2x2x 2 = 8
³√27 = 3 , 3x3x3 = 27
³√64 = 4 , 4x4x4 = 64
 ³√125 = 5 , 5x5x5 = 125
³√216 = 6 , 6x6x6 = 216
³√ 512= 8 , 8x8x8 = 512
³√729 = 9 , 9x9x9 = 729
³√1000 = 10 , 10x10x10 = 1000
¿How is it calcuted ?

 we want to know what the cube root of 64 is. The

answer is 4: if we multiply 4 three times by itself (4 x 4
x 4), we will see that the result is 64.
 4 x 4 = 16 x 4 = 64 So 4 cubed equals 64 (and the cube
root of 64 is 4).

Index, the small number tucked inside the check mark portion of the radical sign.
Radicax sign, is the symbol that indicates that it is a square root.
Radicand, is the number which square root we are calculating.
Root, it is the very square root of the radicand.
EXACT CUBE ROOT: They are the
numbers that have exact cube roots.

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