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Creativity interactive video

Giacinta & Sabina
18th October 2021
Finder Keeper idea


Sabina treatment 2
Sabina treatment 1
Magpie Metaphor
A magpie flies about and collect shiny things


Beginning: empty sky, a magpie flies by.

Middle: Camera star following the magpie collecting object

Watcher is prompted with keeper looser buttons.

Ending: Magpie is followed to its nest where the light catches a

glass prism and spread rainbows specs around
Magpie Metaphor
Visual Elements:
Blue/black screen: sky and magpie, autumns landscapes 

Audio Elements
“River flows in you” Yiruma

How do flocking birds move in unison? | Earth | EarthSky

Key issues:
Where do we find a magpie?
Finders keepers 
Person find beautiful details in life and collect them


Beginning: Person walk on the street, camera follow from behind

Middle: camera from person view point. Person find a leaf.

 Buttons prompt “keep”: herbarium, “instagram”:take a picture, “loose”: carry on walking
Person tidy up kid’s room, find a child drawing. Button prompt “keep”: frame, “Facebook”:
take a photo, “loose”: bin
Person doing choirs in the kitchen, look in the garden trough a bottle of oil: Button prompt
“keep”: paint, “instagram”: take a photo, “loose”: carry on

Ending: a photo gallery of the chosen options is presented

Finders keepers 
Theme, tone, genre

Common person

Target Audience:
Artist looking for inspirations

Beauty is every where

Visual Elements:
Common life object and location. Messy house.

Audio Elements
“Nuvole Bianche” Einaudi
Thank you!
Giacinta & Sabina
18th October 2021

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