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More on the Structure of the Noun Phrase

In the structure of the noun phrase, we have two elements: a
headword and modifier(s).

Headword: The headword of a noun phrase is usually a noun or a

pronoun that names the person, animal, place, thing, etc. that is
Modifiers: Modifiers are articles, adjectives or prepositional phrases
that qualify the headword. We have premodifiers and postmodifiers.
Examples of Headwords and modifiers
The ones in red colour are headwords while those in black colour are modifiers.
Label those in red H and those in black M.
1. The children
2. Two beautiful children
3. …all the children of the neighborhood
4. Hard-working Nigerian doctors in the Western country
5. The truth of the matter
6. …those ones
7. One of us
8. …our English language teacher

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