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English Exam

Write the names of the jobs 5


1. __________

2. __________

3. __________

4. __________

5. __________
Write the name of the workplace 5

1. A doctor works in a __________

2. A scientist works in a __________

3. A teacher works in a __________

4. A police officer works in a __________

5. A pilot works in an __________

Draw these musical instruments points

1. Triangle

2. Tambourine

3. Violin

4. Maracas

5. Harp
Answer the questions 5

1. Do you play the drum? ___________

2. Do you play the guitar? ___________

3. Do you play the flute? ___________

4. Do you play the saxophone? ___________

5. Do you play the cymbal? ___________

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