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Analysis – Keanu Reeves
• starts with an introduction for the audience
• Greetings – „Good to see you again“ followed by non-threatening question „how have you been“. 
• No vital data questions
• What does that mean "Do your action" as opposed to your stunt?
• How long are you training for that fight ?
• What is it like to fight on a horse ?
• Did you know how to ride before you did this ? Close-ended
• Is it hard to work with the animasls on set? Close-ended
• Funny question : What was your relationship to these dogs ?
• Did the horse ever get spooked ? Close-ended
• What's going on here ? He later show clip from the movie
• Can you tell me anything about it ? 
• Interviewer tells the audience the full name of the movie and when it will be available
• „Keaenu Reeves, everybody“
Analysis – Gordon Ramsay
• Greetings: „Nice to see you“, „Nice to see you too“ followed by non – threating question: „You look really fit“
• No vital data questions
• „You cooked for Vladimir Putin“ Non – threating Q (2:32)
• „Is there an American food that you would want at home ?“ Open – ended Q (3:24)
• „How that you are so nice to children at masterchef when you are such a terrible person?“ Open-ended Q (4:56)
• „How old were you, when you started cooking?“ (5:45)
• „What do eat when he is on plane, watching a movie , watching soccer, on the remote shooting location etc.“ (6:20)
• „Last meal you had?“ (7:03)
• „What is some of the most hellish stuff you have seen?“ (7:11)
• „Have you ever failed?“ Close-ended Q (8:54)
• „Thanks so much for being here“ (9:00)
• Interviewer tells the audience the full name of the show and when you can see it

• „Gordon Ramsay, everybody“

Thank you for your attention

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