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Cherkasova Arina
Group 402
What is litter?

 Rubbish that is in the wrong place.

 It can be anything from a cigarette butt to food,
chewing gum, crisp packets or plastic bags.
Why is it a problem?
Why is it a problem?

 Cost
 Environment
 It’s ugly
 Fires
 Vermin
 Wildlife

Guillemot strangled by the plastic rings Young fox with its head trapped
from a drinks multi-pack. inside a rusty drinks can.
Life cycle
Reasons(or excuses)

 Laziness
 Littered place
 Accidently
 Garbage can is full or far away
 My neighbour litters, so do I!
 What’s your problem?!
 Really? It’s just a paper!
 People are starving in Africa!
Why do you care about littering?!
 I’m drunk
Who is responsible for stopping
 Local Authorities
 Land owners
 Business owners
 The UK - £80-2,500
 The USA - $100-6,250
 Russia – ₱5,000-200,000
What can we do to reduce
waste/litter in general?
 Buy things with less packaging
 Use non-disposable things like metal cutlery, re-usable storage
containers for food/drinks, handkerchiefs that can be washed instead
of disposable tissues etc.
 Use ‘bags for life’ instead of single use carrier bags
What can we do about litter in
 Put your rubbish in the right bin yourself and teach the children to do it
 Arrange a system of separate collection of waste
 Organize a litter pick
 Do a waste audit in school – what has been littered, recycled or put in
the general waste bin. Do you need more bins (litter & recycling) and
to educate other pupils?
 Do a questionnaire about litter e.g. what do pupils think of litter, do
they litter, if so – why, what are most common types of litter they find,
how would they stop littering in the school grounds?
 Create a litter action plan for your school.
Where would you rather live?

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