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Origins of Life

How did living organisms come into

being for the first time?

Origins of first living cells
 Hypothesis 1: 1920s – life started in a “warm little pond”
(primitive soup)
 A. I. Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane
 Simple inorganic molecules are formed without oxygen in
the atmosphere

 Energy for synthesis

comes from lighting and
intense UV radiation

The Miller-Urey experiment (University of Chicago, 1953) was
a 1st attempt at simulating ancient earth conditions and proving
that simple organic molecules could have formed

Water (H2O) was heated to mimic water cycle
of ancient ocean
Gases like methane (CH4) hydrogen (H2) and
ammonia (NH3)
 Thought to be abundant in ancient earth
Electricity as a form of energy (mimic
sunlight, thunderstorms

Analysis revealed
that after a few
weeks, the liquid
became cloudy, dark
brown and contained
amino acids

 Hypothesis 2: 1977 – life started in submerged volcanoes
and deep-sea vents where hot water a minerals gush from
Earth’s interior
 Research submarine (Alvin) samples water
 Sample rich in hydrogen

Hypothesis 3: 1969 – life was imported by a meteorite

 1979 – extinction of dinosaurs (65.5 million years ago)
 Alvarez, Luis and Walter – research in Italy
 Gathered chemical evidence from rocks
 Observe sediments not naturally occurring (iridium)
 Conclude that asteroid hit the Earth
 1991: Discovery of crater in Mexico
 Extinction of dinosaurs changed the course of
evolutionary history

Organisms that went extinct include about
half of all marine species and many
terrestrial plants and animals, including
most dinosaurs.
Yucatán crater

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