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Caesarean Delivery

1} Definition
2} Indication
3} Caesarean Delivery
4 } Postoperative management
5} Complications
6 } Graph Assessment
7} Conclusion

A surgical operation for delivering a

child by cutting through the wall of the
mother's abdomen.
Caesarean deliveries were initially
performed to separate the mother and the
foetus in an attempt to save the foetus of a
moribund patient. They subsequently
developed to resolve maternal or foetal
complications not amenable to vaginal
delivery, either for mechanical limitations or
to temporize delivery for maternal or foetal
The leading indications for caesarean
delivery (85%) are previous caesarean
delivery, breech presentation, dystocia, and
foetal distress.
Maternal indications for caesarean delivery
include the following:
Repeat caesarean delivery
Pelvic abnormalities that preclude
engagement or interfere with descent of the
foetal presentation in labour, etc
Foetal indications for caesarean delivery:
Situations in neonatal morbidity prevention
of trauma.
Prolonged academia, etc.
Caesarean delivery
The technique for caesarean delivery includes the following:
• Laparotomy
• Hysterotomy
• Foetal delivery.
• Uterine repair.
• Closure
Postoperative management

See the list below:

•Monitoring of vital signs, outine postoperative
•IV fluids.
•Discharge on postoperative day 2 to 4, if no
•Discuss contraception as well as refraining from
intercourse for 4-6 weeks postpartum, unless the
patient had LARC placed at the time of the

See the list below:

• Approximately 2-fold increase in
maternal mortality and morbidity
with caesarean delivery relative to a
vaginal delivery.
• Infection
• Thromboembolic disease
• Surgical injury
• Uterine atony
Graph Assessment of C-Sections{2008-18}
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