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The Marvel of insects

Submitted by : Mubbashar islam(1021)

Submitted to : Sir fida ul Mustafa
Presentation : English
1. Our earth is teemed with the complex little creatures.
2. These creatures are called insects.
3. These are numerous in size and kind.
4. The entomologists predict that all the insects may be in millions.
5. The insects are a great creation of Allah Almighty.
Varieties of insects

• a) Nearly seven hundred and fifty thousand species have

been classified.
• b) About four thousand new varieties are found every year.
• c) The insects have countless shapes and habits.
• d) They can cope with life under almost any circumstances.
• e) These have delicate shapes.
• f) Some have beautifully patterned wings and some have
horrible shapes.
Structure of Insects / Common things in Insects

 Boneless
 Flying Power
 Outside Skelton
 Circulation of Blood
 Respiratory System
 Wings
 Sensory Power
 Visionary Power
 Taste Organs
Wonders of Insects
 Insects can hear sounds outside the human range.
 The insects have their own communication system.
 A mosquito can beat its wings more than three hundred times a second.
 The midge’s wings which are tiny and invisible beat more than a
thousand times a second.
 A flea can hop hundred times than its own weight.
 They have invisible eyes or light sense.
 In its capacities to taste and smell, an insect achieves perhaps the most
remarkable sensitivity of all.

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