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When theyback home

1 When they backto home , they hug each other
【 194~195 】 I wish I'd stop growingi told her
You'll be tall, likeDad was
2 Distribute the job of Family(try to make everything ''right'')

3 When Eddie came back home

【 224~227 】 I don't feel like watching tv
Who cares? Eddie asked
'' We all care'' my mother said sharply.We are a family
even whithout Dad. We are whathappens to eah other.
4.burst into tear, then went to sleep earilier
i knew now that my father was dead, and that we would live o
ur lives without him, and i fell asleep right away.
• 1. First person point of viewwhich is from a thirteen years old Jean's
• 2 The story is plotted by their struggle to adapt to his absence while they
continue living
• ​3.narrate the story with the event without subtle emotional description
• 4.Sexual stereotype- female hardly lead the family
• Be Consider helpless

• 5.Secret - no ambiguous to ponder , not even any secret to be argue

• Maybe it'sa secret you keep from yourseld and people don't wantto know
their own secrets; allwhichseem to apply to jean's situation

• Good luck on your geography quiz. Your father and I are very proud
• Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which
contain the truth(138~140)

Accept the
Sense ofdenial the society
Issue- self struggle with Inner and Outer conflicts
• Innner : 1 well-aware of the death but unwilling to face of
2 feelpathetic
Outer: 1 Jean's friends ,her teachers and everyone concern
2Staying at home (escapism)
2. the truth is something hard to swallow
• Lee / the youngestson of his family --> forget the death
Eg . Wake up and ask his father

Jean/ realize the trueth but inside she could not accept the fact

Mom/ doesn't describe the appearancebut help us understand by wh

she did

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