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By Artem Morozov


What color is Rudolph’s nose?

a) brown c) black

b) green d) red

Where does Santa live?

a) North Pole c) Siberia

b) Alaska d) The USA


Who helps Santa to make toys?

a) reindeer c) elves

b) polar bears d) penguins


What does Santa like eating?

a) cookies c) chicken

b) sushi d) pizza

What color are Santa’s boots?

a) black c) green

b) purple d) orange

How many times does Santa check his list?

a) 3 times c) he doesn’t check it

b) once d) twice

What does Santa bring to children who are naughty?

a) bad presents c) coal

b) dirt d) nothing

Which of the following is Santa’s reindeer?

a) Star c) Moon

b) Comet d) Sun

Where doesn’t Santa leave presents?

a) In the living room c) Under kids’ beds

b) In a stocking d) Next to a fir


Which of these decorations don’t go

on a Christmas tree?

a) golden cones c) tinsel

b) lights d) balloons

Who tried to steal Christmas?

a) Grinch c) Scrooge

b) Skud Farkus d) Snow Queen


How many reindeer does Santa have?

a) 6 c) 7

b) 8 d) 9

Whose birthday do we celebrate at Christmas?

a) Santa c) Snegurochka

b) Maria d) Jesus

What can you find in a Christmas pudding?

a) A fish bone c) Chocolate

b) A coin d) Meat

How many days are there on

a traditional advent’s calendar?

a) 45 c) 24

b) 31 d) 25

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