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Reading habits of teenagers

Made by Orsolya Szlúka

How much do teenagers read?

 There is a survey which found that 83 % of British teenagers read in their free time
 Their favourite place to read: in bed
 Another fact is that girls like reading more than boys do: they spend 4.5 hours a week to read, however boys
read only 2.3 hours
 But boys watch TV and DVDs much more: 11 hours a week!!!
Interests, books, writers and library
There are differences in teenagers’ interests:
 Girls read fiction (popular writers are J.K. Rowling and Jacqueline Wilson)
 Boys read non-fiction (mostly about their hobbies and famous people)
 Pupils also have to read classic novels for school (George Orwell, John Steinbeck)
 They can borrow these books from school’s library
Magazines and comics
 Reading magazines and comics is more popular among teenagers than reading a book
 Girls like magazines about fashion, celebrities, make-up and relationships
 Boys’s favourite magazines are about football, cars, computers or music
 Girls don’t like reading comics as much as boys do
Computers and e-books
• Nowadays’ teenagers spend most of their time on computers
They read a lot of things:
• Girls like reading social networks and celebrity websites
• Boys read online song lyrics and computer game cheats
How could be reading more modern?
• You can listen to audio books
• You can read e-books
• After reading a story in book, you can watch the movie version of it too
TOP 8 young adult books (in 2020)

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