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Adventure Stories…..

How many adventure stories can you

think of?

What makes an adventure story?

How is an adventure story different from

other stories?
The purpose of an
adventure story.

To entertain and enthral the reader.

To allow the reader to escape from


It was scary….
His lip trembled and his legs were shaking.

Use good connectives.

Suddenly, without warning. At that very moment.

Use good punctuation. (Exclamation marks)

Ask the reader a question. (Draw them in)

Use effective vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs,

expressive verbs, similes.
Shipwrecked on a
Caribbean Island.
Story opening. (Chapter 1)

Setting the scene. (Place and Time)

Introduces characters.
(give main character a flaw /
characteristic to make them
Adventure / Cliff-hanger.
(Chapter 2)

What happens?

Thoughts and Feelings?

How do you survive?


Resolution and Ending.
(Chapter 3)

What happens?

Has the character changed as a result of the


Have the character comment on what has


Do you end with a cliff-hanger?

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