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• RAC is an important component to be considered and designed

properly to support data warehouse applications as well as any 24x7
system.  The RAC environment should be designed to equally
promotes scalability, high-availability server consolidation and
database consolidation. For a mixed workload environment,
partitioning applications achieves the best level of scalability. Figure
4-4 depicts a 4-node cluster, dividing them into a set of 2-node
environment to support OLTP and OLAP applications.
High level architecture
RAC Architecture
RAC advantages
• It is load balanced for a better performance
• It is a solution that is highly scalable
• Unless the connections are not RAC aware, there is no need for a
• Certain patches can be applied in its rolling mode
Golden gate
• Oracle GoldenGate easily supports a wide variety of topologies. These
include one-to-one, one to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many—
for both unidirectional and bidirectional configurations. For unlimited
scalability, cascading topologies can be created to eliminate any
potential bottlenecks. By staging specific sets of database changes on
the source or target system, different requirements can be met
through a single pass on the data source. Each set of staged data can
contain unique or overlapping sets of data.
Goldengate topologies
Real time replication
Key solutions for oracle golden gate
Disadvantages of golden gate
• Some datatypes are not supported (XML,BLOB.)
• Manual switch over and failover
• Data Guard is best for disaster recovery and data protection problems, GoldenGate is a more
flexible heterogeneous replication mechanism and is also able to transform the data while it is
being replicated.
• Data Guard is an Oracle specific technology while GoldenGate support heterogeneous
database systems including all the major RDBMS as DB2,Sybase, MySQL .
• Data Guard supports active-passive replication. One of the database is the primary database
and the other one is in an inactive Data Guard mode.
• GoldenGate supports an active-active replication mode and allows both systems to work
simultaneously while maintaining the data integrity.
• GoldenGate allows transformation of the data, with conflict management while it is being
replicated between both database systems.
• GoldenGate allows replication across platform. Data can be extracted from a Unix platform
and replicated to an Oracle database running on platform Windows.
• GoldenGate has many case of utilization. The use of flat files for data transportation and the
support of heterogeneous systems makes the technology so very interesting
Security - TDE/Encryption
• An Oracle advanced security feature that allows to encrypt data at
rest completely transparent to applications

• If attackers can gain access to the operating system as powerful

user(eg root or oracle) they can bypass the database and have direct
access to data. Encryption can protect database files stored in the
• Also, many regulatory compliance requires encrypting data at rest
TDE setup
Database performance testing with JMeter

• Most of the applications’ performance can be tested by

triggering HTTP, FTP or some other protocols. But there are some
cases where we want to directly test the database system without
interfering the HTTP calls. Apache JMeter has a built-in JDBC Request
module. We can do database testing with JMeter
• JMeter can connect to any database and run SQL queries concurrently.
In order to do so, it’s mandatory to have necessary JDBC drivers in
the lib folder of your installation

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