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Task 1 Flamingo

(a) Explain how the behavioural, physiological

and anatomical adaptations of greater
flamingos enable them to survive in their
environment. [6]

(b) Flamingos lay only one egg in each breeding

season. This is low birth rate for an animal.
Explain why this low birth rate is sufficient to
maintain the number of flamingos. [2]
Task 2 Giant tortoise

Explain why these two species are found on different islands.[6]

Task 3 Lemurs

(a) Explain how endemic lemurs evolved in

Madagascar. [3]
(b) Suggest three reasons why more lemurs are
becoming more threatened. [3]
Task 4 Pitcher plant
(a) (i) Explain what is meant by the term niche,
with reference to the pitcher plant. [2]

The adaptations are ……………… [2]

(b) Suggest how natural selection has given rise
to carnivorous plants. [4]

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