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To form the Past Participles for the each type of verbs , as given below.
1. ER Remove r and place a grave accent above the 'e" - For eg : Chanter
- Chante
2. IR Simply remove the 'r’
3. RE Replace 'RE' at the end with 'u' , though there are exceptions o the
4. Reflexive verbs Depending on how the verb ends , the PP must be
formed accordingly .For eg : Se Laver - Se Lave ; Se rendre - se rendu etc
5. Irregular verbs Each one has its own PP that must be byhearted.
1. Partager
2. Supprimer
3. Chercher
4. Cacher
5. Finir
6. Grandir
7. Grossir
8. Obeir
9. Attendre
10. Vendre
11. Tendre
12. Se coucher
13. Se Lever
14. S’agir
15. S’attendre

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