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Topic 3

The organization's internal

communications system
Lecture plan
1. Internal communications of the organization: essence and
2. The organization's internal communications system
3. Internal communications strategy
1. Internal communications of the organization: essence and content

The company's internal communications are the communication

channels through which the company interacts with internal target
It is a management tool aimed at providing information to employees in
order to convey information to them in support of their business.
Also, internal communications is defined as the professional management
of interaction between all stakeholders or "shareholders" in a particular
Internal communications is the only, most important element that allows
the organization to share its vision with employees and direct their skills
and abilities to perform actions that will contribute to the development of
the enterprise.
 They are understood as communications at the highest
level that facilitate the organization of strategic ties and
negotiations in the organization.
 These communications take place between management
and employees on a peer-to-peer basis: manager-
manager, subordinate-subordinate,
 or "between different ranks": subordinate-manager,
supervisor-subordinate, and so on.
Internal communication means:
 information: electronic mailings, website (Intranet), corporate
media, information stands, posters, etc.;
 communicative: corporate holidays, competitions, actions;
volunteer, social and educational projects, etc .;
 analytical: feedback systems, questionnaires, focus groups,
staff monitoring, engagement research, etc.;
 organizational: meetings, conferences, management
presentations, development and implementation of corporate
standards, etc.
2. The organization's internal communications system

 Internal communications system is a structured set of information

channels that allows to receive and optimally distribute information
messages of business, intellectual and emotional content in the company
purposefully and with a given efficiency.
 The subjects of communications are top management, line
management, employees of specialized departments (HR, PR).
 Internal communication channels - specific ways of moving
information flows in the enterprise in a certain direction, quality and for a
specific purpose.
Subsystems of the internal communication system:

1. Organizational subsystem: 3. Technologies:

- management technologies; - Software;
- organizational structure of - hardware;
management; - information processing system.
 staff. 4. Socio-psychological
2. Information subsystem: subsystem:
 communication channels; - social interaction;
 networks. - roles in the management system;
- psychological features.
The impact of the state of internal communications
on the financial performance of the enterprise
(Watson Wyatt study):
 effective communication of subordinates and
managers of the enterprise gives shareholders up to
26% of additional profit;
 developed internal communications can increase
the market value of the company by 30%.
Tasks of the internal communication system:
 formation of a single information space, in the construction of which employees
of the enterprise are involved;
 information and feedback (two-way communication);
 support of changes;
 bridging communication gaps and achieving mutual understanding between
departments and employees of the company;
 identifying and eliminating key inefficient communications that affect business
 expansion of communicative models of company management;
 clarification of corporate policy in the field of management, motivation, training
and staff development;
 introduction of awareness of the connection between internal and external
communication - the state of internal communications directly affects the
effectiveness of communication with customers and clients of the company;
 formation of uniform standards of conduct in accordance with the corporate code and ethics of the
 increase loyalty, involvement, commitment, ie the creation and maintenance of such an emotional
state of employees, which will motivate them to perform work as effectively as possible;
 strengthening the positive image of the company's brand as an employer in the eyes of employees,
because they are one of the channels for transmitting information about the organization from the
 formation of a positive HR-brand of the company (formation of the image of an attractive employer)
in the external environment to attract the best professionals and professionals;
 promotion of corporate values;
 development of horizontal connections;
 increasing the communicative competence of employees;
 increasing the efficiency of employee interaction;
 support of corporate culture of the company, etc.
Objectives of internal communications:
 achieving the planned business performance of the company by building
a system of effective relationships with staff;
 increasing the involvement and efficiency of staff through the formation
of a targeted corporate culture;
 development of employees' awareness of changes in the business
 formation of employees' understanding of the need for the organization
to develop in the direction of achieving its goals in view of changes in the
external environment;
 forming a positive sense of belonging in employees.
To improve internal communications and overcome communication barriers it
is necessary:
introduction, replacement or modernization of the enterprise management
information system or its individual modules;
improvement and modernization of technical infrastructure of communications and
improving the information support of the enterprise;
development or improvement of external and internal communication strategy;
improving the communication literacy of employees;
improving the organizational structure of enterprise management and ensuring its
communication flexibility;
adherence to the principles of forming the system of internal communications at
the enterprise.
3. Internal communications strategy
 Include any future challenges for the organisation and why employee engagement is so important.
 Include any research and statistics from a survey or audit. WHERE WE WANT TO BE Include the
key drivers that will influence the strategy. These are typically vision and values; business plan;
leadership; employee engagement; people strategy; corporate communications strategy.
 Include the principles that will guide the effective delivery of the strategy, such as providing timely
and targeted communications; always communicating in plain English; looking for opportunities to
create dialogue and engagement. Clarify the aims and objectives, the tactics and the success
measures, as well as the communication approach.
 Provide a summary to show how drivers are linked to objectives, tactics and success measures.
Thank you!

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