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By: Princess Ashley A.Gonzales
Article 1: CLAIM
Sociology- This article is one of the economic issue here in
the Philippines and this is “Hunger”. The Philippines is
worsening because of pandemic. The Adults do not go
without meals believe hunger is personal trouble to them and
it’s not consequence of the society’s structural issues.
EVIDENCE The COVID-19 pandemic continues to
take its toll on vulnerable sectors of
society, with hunger and poverty
worsening due to lack of available jobs,
which should prompt the government
to provide substantial cash assistance
to Filipinos.
It is SOCIOLOGY because hunger is a large issue than any one
individual can control. Also the conventional wisdom is that hunger is
exists primarily because of many disaster, pressure of the population,
shortfalls in food production and the COVID-19 Pandemic. The
pandemic has forced the millions of people to reduce their daily needs
due to financial difficulties and because of people has no job.

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