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Critical Appraisal PROGRAM STUDI


Case Control Journal INTENSIF

P : Pasien dewasa yang menjalani operasi reseksi kanker paru-paru
I : 83 pasien yang menjalani teknik OFA untuk operasi reseksi kanker paru-paru
C : 83 pasien yang menjalani operasi serupa dengan teknik anestesi standar
O : Skor nyeri pasca operasi, rata-rata konsumsi morfin, rata-rata waktu di ruang
pemulihan dan rawat inap

Clinical Question :
Apakah terdapat perbedaan skor nyeri pasca operasi, rata-rata konsumsi morfin, rata-rata
waktu di ruang pemulihan dan rawat inap pada pasien yang menjalani operasi reseksi
kanker paru teknik OFA dengan teknik anestesi standar?
Are the results of the study valid ?

1. Did the study address a clearly focused issue ? Yes, the feasibility and effectiveness of an opioid-free
anesthesia (OFA) technique in lung cancer resection surgery
versus standard opioid-based techniques
2. Did the authors use an appropriate method to answer their Yes, using case control study
3. Were the cases recruited in an acceptable way? Yes, using pulmonologist confirmed symptoms and confirmed
by RT-PCR test
4. Were the controls selected in an acceptable way ? Yes, from hospital staffs

5. Was the exposure accurately measured to minimize bias ? Yes, confirmed by RT-PCR test

6a. What confounding factors have the authors Yes, age, clinical or non clinical jobs, etc
accounted for?
6b. Have the authors taken account of the potential Yes, by multivariate analysis
confounding factors in the design and/or in their
What are the results ?

7. What are the results of this study? Table 4 and table 5

8. How precise are the results ? Table 4 and table 5

9. Do you believe the results ?

Will the results help locally ?

10. Can the results be applied to the local population? Yes, statistically significant and important

11. Do the results of this study fit with other Yes

available evidence ?
The research is valid, significant, clinically important, and applicable

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