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Made by: Catalina, Emiliano M, Martina R
English has 800.000 words in its vocabulary

The first dictionary in English was made in 1755

 Go is the shortest sentence in English

 Town is the oldest word in the lenguage

 Strengths is the longest word with only one vocal

 ¨I¨ is the most used word in English conversations

 The word polish has 3 different meanings,the first one is
to make it shine, the second one is to paint and the last
one is the nationality from poland
 Cyptophasia is a languge phenomenom that only
twins,identicaly or fraternal, can understand

 The English word alphabet comes from the letters of the greek
alphabet: alpha and beta
 Did you know that there are 50.000 characters in the chinese
language, but you only need to know 2.000 to read

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