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Turing Machine

Mariana Cabeza

 It was created by Alan Turing

 He was a brilliant mathematician,
cryptanalyst and computer
theoretician born on June 23, 1912
in Maida Vale, a residential district
west of London.
Alan Turing's
 He formalized the concepts of
algorithm and computation with his
Turing machine
 He is considered the father of
artificial intelligence
 His participation in the cryptanalysis
team of the German crypto machine
Enigma was key.
The turing
 It is a theoretical device that manipulates
symbols on a tape according to a defined
table of rules.
 This computational model can be adapted
to simulate the logic of any algorithm and
is useful to explain the operation of a CPU.
 The Turing machine, mathematically
models a machine that operates on a belt.
 On this tape are symbols that the machine
can write or read, one at a time. 
Turing machine
 It consists of a tape that is divided into
cells next to each other. Each cell
contains a symbol in some finite
 A head that can read and write symbols on the
tape and move the tape left or right one
 A finite rule table of instructions, usually
tuples of five, elements given to the state (qi)
the machine is currently in and the symbol
(aj) that is being read from the tape. In it, the
following actions are indicated:
 Write or delete a symbol
 Shake your head (left or right)
 Assume the same or a new status as
 A state register where the state of the
Turing machine is saved
The Turing test

 In 1950, he proposed the experiment that

today is known as the Turing test whose
intention was to try to define a standard by
which it could be known if a machine could
be called "intelligent“.
 The idea was that it can be said that a
computer "thinks" if a human interrogator
could not distinguish through a
conversation, if he was conversing with a
human being or with a machine.
 Turing proposed that instead of simulating
an adult artificial mind, it was better to
simulate a child mind to later subject it to a
learning process

 Santiago, M (2020). Máquinas de Turing. Recuperado de:

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