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Double comparative
Let’s look at some examples of sentences with
the double comparative:
I have practised a lot this week. I am getting
better and better at English.

The more books we read, the more we learn

about the world.
1. Match the two parts to form a sentence.

a. The more they complain, 3 1. the fatter he will get.

b. The more sugar he eats, 1 2. the less fit she will feel.

c. The more he studies, 4 3. the more tasks they will get.

d. The less I tell my mother, 6 4. the better marks he will get.

e. The less she exercises, 2 5. the longer you’ll live.

f. The happier you are, 5 6. the less she worries.

2. Complete the sentences by putting the adjective in
brackets in the double comparative.
a. Oh dear, my pimples seem to be __________________
bigger and bigger (big) every
more and more difficult (difficult) to
b. I am always so busy. It’s _________________________
have some time for myself!
c. My best friend was very fat, but now she’s on a diet, she is getting
slimmer and slimmer
______________________ (slim) every week.
more and more important
d. Being fluent in a foreign language is ________________________
(important) to get a good job nowadays.
3. Complete the gaps with the double comparative.
The more
a. ______________ the less (less) he
(more) she screamed, ______________
listened to her.
The older
b. ______________ the slower (slow) he becomes.
(old) he gets, ______________
c. ______________ (fast) you drive, _______________________
The faster
(careful) you must be. the more careful

d. _______________ (few) mistakes you make, _______________

(good) fewer
results will be. the better

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