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Describing people
To describe people remember use the verb
to be (am, is, are) and to conjugate it
depeding on who are you speaking about.

 You , we , they

 She, he , it
After starting the person and using the correct form of the verb, add the adjective, for

 Maria is tall. She is short. Ana is intelligent. Ana and Carlos

are beautiful.

 Now if you want to refer to someone whose name you do not know, the
structure is bit different. The abjective Will always go before the
suject, for example;

 The tall girl who is sitting here.

These are some adjetives to use for
describing people…
 Beautiful:
puedes usarlo para describir
personas o cosas.
 The flowers are beautiful.
 My sister is beautiful.
 Ana is my friend, she is a beautiful girl.
Ugly: algo o alguien que nos es llamativo
o agradable.
This house is ugly, its is not confortable for me.

Attrative: con este adjetivo puedes decir que alguien te

atrae o quieres establecer alguna relación.

Andres is an attractive men. I want to meet him.

Handsome: se puede utilizar para describir una
persona reservada, principalmente para el sexo
masculino, o como sinónimo de bonito.

Alex is handsome. Alex is a handsome men.

Cute: este adjetivo significa adorable y sea usa

generalmente para describir animales.

I like your pet. It is cute.

Presentable: se utiliza para describir una persona que luce bien tanto
físicamente como en su forma de vestir.

She is presentable for the interview.

Short: cuando estamos describiendo la

estatura pequeño.

He is short. He is a short men.

thin: para describir una persona de
contextura delgada
She is tall and thin.
Fat: describe persona gorda.
Small: describe cosas o animales pequeños
Big: describe cosas o animales de tamaño
Long: describe algo largo, extenso
Who is who?
 Read the following information about physical appereance and write a text
using the categories given.

 1. short black hair, big ears, big mouth.

 2. long, Brown curly hair, big ears, small mouth, small eyes.
 3. long blonde, straight hair, big nose, big eyes.
 4. bold, White glasses, bronw jumper, small ears.
 5. short hair, blue cap, small ayes.
Choose a partner and describe her/him writting five sentences.

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