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By: Elizabeth González Restrepo
My ideal self always
gets up early to meditate

My ideal self usually does

exercise when she finishes

My ideal self always makes a

healthy breakfast
My ideal self often does
her work before lunch
My ideal self rarely consumes
junk food, she doesn’t like
sweets, nor soda water, nor
drinks, nor drugs

My ideal self always

investigates and report on the
news of civil engineering
My ideal self always seeks to do
projects that protect the
environment, animals and naturals
resources My ideal self always
reads good books

My ideal self always has a good vibes

and sorrounds herself with people who
help her to carry on
My ideal self never gives up
in the face of adversity, she is
a brave

My ideal self is rarely afraid of change

because she seeks her well-being

My ideal self always gives thanks at gets up

and at goes to bed because she knows that
she has the most valuable things in life:
health, dad, mom and a lot of love to give

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