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Activity by Rolando Jr n Gutierrez
Frog Poem By
Matsuo Basho
◦“The old pond

◦A frog leaps in.

◦Sound of the water.”

Matsuo Bashō, born Matsuo Kinsaku, then Matsuo Chūemon

Munefusa, was the most famous poet of the Edo period in
Japan. During his lifetime, Bashō was recognized for his
works in the collaborative haikai no renga form; today, after
centuries of commentary, he is recognized as the greatest

born in:Japan
“tourist” poem by
Yehuda Amichai
◦Visits of condolence is all we get from them.
◦They squat at the Holocaust Memorial,
◦They put on grave faces at the Wailing Wall
◦And they laugh behind the heavy curtains
◦In their hotels.
◦They have their pictures taken
◦Together with our famous dead
◦At Rachel’s Tomb and Herzl’s Tomb
◦And on the top of Ammunition Hill.
◦They weep over our sweet boys
◦And lust over our tough girls
◦And hang up their underwear
◦To dry quickly
◦In cool, blue bathrooms.
Matsu basho
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) is one of the most
celebrated Japanese poets. His reputation
from Japan to include a nearly global
recognition. Basho is considered to be the
master of the haiku.
His work is praised for its brevity and clarity;
its ability to capture the most suddle transitions
astounding. Many monuments in Japan bear his
Matsu basho
On a withered branch

A crow has settled –

autumn nightfall

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