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-Notice writing
-Poster making

Srushti Bansod
Class 11
Science stream
Q.1] Prepare a colourful poster in
not more than 50 words urging
people to employ various methods
of rainwater harvesting in their
colonies. (Single slide)
Save water save life

• Never Leave Taps Running

• Use Water Judiciously
• Use Re-cycled water for
secondary tasks
• Install Rainwater
Harvesting Systems
• Plant Tress
“Save water today or
tomorrow you’ll pay.”
2.] You are Anya/Ashish, the Head Girl/Boy of Global
International School. Your school is soon going to
publish the annual magazine next month. Write a notice
for the notice board of your school inviting students to
submit write-ups. (Single Slide)
Global International School.
Write-ups for magazine.

6th January 2021

This is to inform all students form grade 5 to 12 that our school is going to publish annual
magazine next month. Therefore students are requested to submit their write-ups and
essays to their respective class teacher on or before 5th February 2021. Topic can be
decided by the students itself. Make sure there no grammatical error in the write-ups. Only
the best write-ups will be selected for the magazine. Make sure to write your name, grade
and division with your write-up. For more details contact the undersigned.

(Head Girl)

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