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Leitura_Análise de fake news

9º Ano
1. INPUT: reading about fake news (text from ING9_05UN05)
2. OUTPUT: identifying the authenticity of some news

Habilidade da Base Nacional Comum Curricular

(EF09LI08) Explorar ambientes virtuais de informação e socialização,
analisando a qualidade e a validade das informações veiculadas.

Professor-autor: Patricia Vergara Emmerich Vasques

Mentor: Ana Cecília de Medeiros Maciel
Especialista: Celina Fernandes
To analyze the
authenticity of some
news on the Internet.
Let's read a text about fake news?
Now, let’s check the answers!
What have you learned today?
About reading the news:
1) There are some news that can seem totally true.
2) We need to analyze the authenticity of news on Internet.
3) We have to be prepared to read the news beyond the
lines: we have to read some implicit information.
4) We always need to compare the sources before taking
some news for granted.

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