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Name: Sanket Vasant Bhosale.

Class : TYBMM.
Seat No. : 619.
Subject : Contemporary issues.(Advertising & Journalism
Academic year : 2021-2022.
College Name: NKES Degree College of Arts, Commerce&
Assignment Topic: TERRORISM.
What is terrorism?

The U.S.Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as ,

“The unlawful uses of force and violence against persons
or property to intimidate or corce a government the
civilian population or any segment therof, in furtherance
of poltical or social objectives.”
Acts of Terrorism.

 Threats of terrorism.
 Assassinations.
 Kidnappings.
 Hijack-ings.
 Bomb scares and bombings.
 Cyber attacks.
 The use of chemical, biological nuclear and radiological
Key elements of Terrorism.

Terrorism if often, though not always, defined in terms of

four characteristics;
 The threat or use of violence.
 Political objectives, the desire to change the status quo.
 The intention to spread fear by committing spectacular public acts
 The intentional targeting of civillians.
Effects of terrorism.
 It damages to the infrastructure.
 Biological loss.
 Environmental damages.
 Loss of confidence in the market and government.
 Social disruption.
 Failure of banking, trade and supply systems.
Signs of terrorism.

3.Tests of security.
5.Acquiring supplies.
6.Suspicious/out of place behavior.
7.Dry runs.
8.Deploying assets / Getting into position.

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