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Court Process

Terminología jurídica.
Denise Camacho Martinez. Grupo I8
What is?
El procedimiento judicial
es el desarrollo que
lleva un conflicto que se
judicializa, es decir, que
se presenta ante un
tribunal para que lo
Las partes se someten a la decision
judicial como solución del conflicto.
Los procesos judiciales comienzan
con una demanda donde les sigue la
contestación a la demanda y la
consiguiente vista judicial,
finalizando con una sentencia por
parte de la autoridad judicial.
Defendants have the
right to be represented
by a lawyer throughout
the process.
What are some things that happen Why might a jury not be able to agree
before a case goes to court? on a verdict?

-Insufficient arguments/ Inadequate

-There is not enough evidence to pin
the crime on the defendant (lack of
sufficient proof).
Pre- trial hearing: is a meeting
of the defense, the
prosecution, and the judge
before a trial
commences. During this
hearing, a range of
documents may be presented,
evidence can be presented
and excluded, and more.
Hung jury: is a judicial jury that cannot agree upon a
verdict after extended deliberation and is unable to
reach the required unanimity or supermajority.
Arraignment: is a formal reading of a criminal charging
document in the presence of the defendant, to inform
them of the charges against them.
Discovery: This is the
formal process of
exchanging information
between the parties
about the witnesses and
evidence they ll present
at trial. Discovery
enables the parties to
know before the trial
begins what evidence
may be presented.
Plea bargain: This
process is known as
negotiating a plea or
plea bargaining. Plea
bargaining usually
involves the
defendant's pleading
guilty to a lesser
charge, or to only one
of several charges.
I'm writing to update you on the Trindle case. At the arraignment last month,
the defendant was charged. However, he rejected the plea bargain. So, he
will be sentenced or acquitted at the trial. Since then, his lawyer has
requested discovery. So, there will probably be a pre-trial hearing where the
defendant's lawyer tries to suppress evidence. You will handle the
discovery process and pre-trial hearing. I need you to make sure all of the
evidence is accepted. I don't want a hung jury and mistrial because
evidence isn't shown.
I know we can count on you.
David Wallace, Assistant Prosecutor, City of Los Angeles

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