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All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics governance

power Navalny jurisprudence

All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics truth Ukraine
law war
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics control corruption
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
World Politcs
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
All what we need to know for nowadays about World Politics
War between Russia and Ukraine
 Currently, the two countries are in a state of war: the Russo-
Ukrainian War began in 2014 following the Russian annexation
of Crimea from Ukraine. After the Soviet Union's collapse in
1991, the successor states' bilateral relations have undergone
periods of ties, tensions, and outright hostility. Also, at present,
there is a practical action on the territory of Ukraine of Russian
troops and the army with special weapons, tanks and explosives.
Аnd many believe that there can be no war. But there are many
New cases against Navalny sent to court
 The Lefortovo Court of Moscow has
registered a new criminal case under
articles of fraud and contempt of court
against Alexei Navalny. The Investigative
Committee opened a criminal case on large-
scale fraud at the end of December 2020.
The department accused Navalny of
spending 356 million out of 588 million
rubles together with "other persons".
donations to foundations for personal
purposes. Also, they want to increase the
period of his stay in the colony for a period
of 10 years, instead of 1 year
What do we know about the strain "Omicron"
 Omicron was first discovered in November 2021 and
has now been found in most of the world. The first
results indicate a reduced risk of hospitalization
with the Omicron strain compared with the Delta
strain. However, the WHO warns that it should not
be considered a "mild" strain. Increased
transmission of the virus is expected to lead to more
hospitalizations. The Omicron strain is more
contagious than previous strains. However, getting
vaccinated and taking precautions such as avoiding
crowded places, keeping your distance from other
people, and wearing a mask are critical to
preventing the spread of COVID-19.

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