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First of all we would like to say

to our God for giving health and
time in order to do this project.

 Then we would like to express our gratitude to the head of the department
Mr. Shumet.W for his initiation and evaluation of the project and our
advisor Mrs. Sammy for her guidance, support and her continuous
enthusiasm and encouragement throughout the project and other teachers
for their valuable guidance, timely suggestions and help in the completion
of this project.
 Finally we thank our parents for their indirect support in doing this

 Abstract describes the general activity of the project or the purpose of the
 According to our project i.e. Ambo university Online job tracking system
perform the following activities like
 users registration,
 Searching job
 Updating users data
 Deleting users data and
 Employers generate report to managers

1.1 Background
In today's life everybody can communicate each other in everywhere.
They share information, technology and knowledge.
More recently it is the use of the computers and information technology (IT) to
improve the efficiency and competitiveness of businesses that has led to
technological change. Since technology is so rapid, there are important
implications for businesses. Websites are one of the way flows of information.
People can get service by visiting this websites. In our country there are few job
tracking websites.
Project area description
1.2 Statement of the problem
In our university is no enough jobs tracking system. There is a few jobs
website that are not successful to give a desired service. The reason is People’s
do not have much knowledge about using automated job tracking system like
 The data gathered from customers is not stored properly.
 The data is stored manually using papers and cards.
 There is no backup of data.
 The data stored manually can take wide space for storing.
 Shortage of time to distribute service to customer.
 No security on files and documents.
 Very difficult to search files .
 Data redundancy.
 Needs of more human power.
The government does not take the following action seriously. Expand the
networked and computer centered area.To increments the opportunity to create
their own jobs.
The other reason :-
 There is lack of communication between the customer and some current
Ethiopia on line job tracking system
 The current Ethiopian on line job tracking system not requests the customer
1.3 Project Objectives
1.3.1 General objective

 The main objective of this project is to develop a online system that can
address the problems associated with job tracking system.
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
After the successful completion of this project the system will
provide the following application (services):-
 keep information in efficient, reliable and secured way.
 there is no data redundancy.
 Very easy to search files
 Automated data inserting, updating, deleting, retrieving on the
 Online Registration and reservation of vacancy for the person who
want jobs.
 To make of searching specific data, storing and retrieving data
access operations more organized and faster.
 Search employee records.
 Update job title from the database
1.3 Significance of project
 Will Increase the income of the organization: As long as the system
satisfied the users, the users will increase.
 Reduce the work load: Cause the paper based system replaced by the
computerized one.
1.4 Scope of the project

 The project focuses on the job tracking system of our country on

each and every day activity in the announcement of the vacancy.
 The system is only used in side our country
 The system is on line.
 the system is not desktop.
 Online Registration and reservation of vacancy for the person who
want jobs.
 Update and registration of job tracking in computerized system.
1.5.1 Limitation of the Project
 LAN: the system will not concern about installation of network.
 Training: the system will not give training about the website how it
works or how to access the system to the users.
 Web site promotion: Promotions about other websites will not be
performed. This project concern about only the system of Job
tracking. It does not include any promotion of website.
1.6 Methodology

Data about the organization will be collected using

o Observation,
 Interview
 Documentation
 Brainstorming
 Example: Paper, Pen, Record etc.
This methods help us to get full and clear information about the
organization in easy way.
A. Front end
In order to design the user interface
In order to collect information from the user interface,
storing it in a database, retrieving data from the database
and displaying on the user interface
B. Back end:
MYSQL: - It is the database management system tool for
adding, accessing and processing data in a database.
C. Web server
 APACHE: - It is an HTTP web server notable for playing a key role
in the initial growth of the World Wide Web and the most popular
web server to host and handle HTTP request from client machines
to the web server.
D. Case Tools
 Microsoft Visio 2003: it is one of the appropriate tools for use
UML modeling.
E. Documentation tools
 MS-Word 2010: in order to document the project
1.7 Project Budget

 The developers tried to minimize the cost of the project the

minimum price concerning all economic problems of the user.
 The items used to formalize the project and the price they cost is
listed below in table.
1.8 Organization

This project documentation contains three chapters including the

proposal which contains chapter one. Chapter two defines and
describes the system analysis of the project with regard to ONLINE
JOB TRACKING SYSTEM(web based). Chapter three design of the
developed system are going to be elaborated. In the last chapter we
will see about system Implementation.
2.1 Major functions of the current system

job seekers registration

 by using scanning method convert into softy copy of the CV
 A soft copy of necessary document

 The user to open the job application form
 User to fill the form
 The system checks the filling data and to display the registration is
success full.
 End process

 Applicant registration
New job(Vacancies) registration

 New vacancy announced by TV, Radio and different magazine.
 Different companies, organizations, institutions, embassies etc.
 They send their job vacancies to the system.

 The manager to check the vacancies and send the data to the
data encoder
 The data encoder register the new job in the job form
 End of process

 New job title registration.
 Updating job title file
Update job title
 Old title to be updated
 new title which update the old one 
 The system administrator updates the title file
 The manager check the update file and send to the data
 The data encoder register the updated file in the job form
 Update the job title file.
2.2 Problem Analysis/Definition

There are problems in the existing system. These problems can be evaluated
using the pieces framework. It is a useful frame work for classifying
problems, opportunities and directives.
Performance of a system is measured in terms of throughput and responses
The current working system has a low level of throughput due to:-
It can only handle limited number (10-15) of cases per day.
Response time
The response time to a given task in the current working system is significantly
high due to the time taken to get the accurate information about the user.

Availability of up-to-date and relevant information is vital for a given
System to reach to an accurate decision.
The current existing system doesn’t have standard way of acquiring data
from the user and the outside environment.
The existing system has to be evaluated from the economic point of view
by analyzing the cost and benefits.
E- Efficiency
Delay of decision making for fixing problem exists on user.
2.3 Users Needs

 The system has a resource that requires having the following

performance characteristics
 The server and the client must have memory space.
 The server and client must have process speed.
2.4 Requirement analysis of existing system
The new system that we are proposing is not entirely new to
the automated job tracking system but it will the working
environment flexible. The main objective of this system is to
announce the people about automated job tracking system and to
make comfortable working environment.
2.4.1 The supplementary specification

 The system GUI should be consistent with all programs

 All the icons and buttons used in the program should be
consistent throughout the program.
 The GUI should be easily customizable.
 The GUI should be easily understandable.
 The systems in general have a good graphical user interface that
enables the users to use it easily and in efficient manner.
2.5 Alternative Solution

Some of the alternative solution for job tracking is

 Waiting for weekly newspapers for vacancies.
 Checking post on known clipboards around town.
 Distributing your CV on known or wanted companies waiting
for vacancies.
 use internet and search for vacancy
2.5.1 Automated system

Our proposed system will perform the following.

 Developing web based online job tracking system
 Developing web based database system.

The above two solutions are help to increase performance (time save,
security, and reduce costs).
2.6 Feasibility study

 The feasibility of the project is to easily maintainable and favorable

for user of the application as match as the possible.
 The following are major feasibility concerns that a business must
be in clear light about.
1. Economic Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
4. Schedule Feasibility
 The sum of these feasibility analysis forms the business case
that justifies the expenditure of resources on the project.
2.6.1 Technical Feasibility

User of the application can maintain easily in terms of technically.

When the application gets user confidence it can easily maintain.
It is easy in terms of wall defined applications used and helps to
maintain the application.
2.6.2 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility considers all costs, variable and fixed that

should allocate to the new project. The purpose of assessing economic
feasibility is to identify the financial benefit and cost associated with
development of a project and tries to answer the question: “Is the cost
and risk worth having the new system.
Tangible benefits

Tangible benefits are items that can be measured in terms of money or

with certainty. The new system will automate monotonous job that
reduce errors provide innovative services to customers, improves
organizational efficiency, speed and flexibility. It helps the users of the
system to visualize its tangible benefits.
Intangible benefits

Intangible benefits are benefits derived from the creation of an

information system that cannot be easily measured in money and with
consistency such as:
 More timely information
 Faster decision making
 Increase accuracy
 Increase information processing efficiency
2.6.3 Operational Feasibility

The user can use the system easily as match as possible. If or

whether any which counts latter the application has high security,
durability in terms of usage And it also has take high amount of
records to store.
 Timely it is faster to do the operation
 Easy to search customers data
 High security
2.7 Requirement Analysis for new system

Over view
Since requirements are a descriptive feature or condition, that a user seeks to
have implemented in a system.
2.7.1 Importance of use case diagram
The name of a use case is very important. So the name should be
chosen in such a way so that it can identify the functionalities
 Give a suitable name for actors.
 Show relationships and dependencies clearly in the diagram.
 Do not try to include all types of relationships. Because the main
purpose of the diagram is to identify requirements.
2.8 Use case Diagram Documentation and forms

Use case diagram is used to capture the functional requirement of

the intended behavior of the system from the user point of view and it
shows a set of use case, actors their relationship.

Ambo university Online job tracking system


Register form

Search jobs

Job seekers
Update data


Generate report to


Fig 2.1 Use case diagram

2.9 Job seekers interface identification

1. Name: - job seekers registering

ID: - UJ N1
Description: - register job seekers
Actor: - job seekers and employee
Precondition:-user should be fulfill the requirement
Basic course of action:-
1. user to open the web page and the registration form
2. user to fill the form
3. The system to check the data is valid or not
4. To display the success message.
Alternate course of action:-
1. The user can't get the application form.
2. The job seekers back to fulfill the criteria
3. Use case end
Name: - generate report

Description: - generate daily / weekly /monthly/ yearly
Actor: - manager and employee
Precondition:-have some organized report
Post condition: - manager can see generated report

Basic course action

 The system administrator generate report to manager
 The manager attained the report and can give decision on the
 Alternative action: - none
2.10 functional Requirements

The new system should provide the following functional

 The system must allow the manager to create the job seekers and
 Allows the job seekers log into the system using their user name
and password and see their results.
 Can able to display the vacancy announcement to the job
 Allows the data encoder to attach job type into the database.
 Allows the manager to view and manage any data in the
2.10.1 Non Functional requirements

A non-functional requirement also referred to as technical

requirement pertains to the technical aspects the system must
fulfill, such as performance related issues, reliability issues, and
availability issues
Here are some of the user level requirements which are
not directly related to the functionality of the new system.
They are about the performance, security, hardware platform,
modifiability, error handling and physical environment and are
summarized as follows.
Error handling and Extreme condition

We have the following error handling and extreme

conditions for the new system.
 It should check the validity of a user at log in any user
can view the different part of the system based on the
access level specified by the system administrator.
 The system should trap errors occurring due to invalid
input then it displays error message.
Hard ware Consideration

Job tracking system is a client-server system it will be

installed on the server. And in most client-server systems there
is a dedicated server which responds to the different requests of
the clients from different locations, which might also have their
own hard ware specifications. In addition to the above points
the hard ware requirements also depends on the requirements of
the programming language, database language selected and
also the networking environment used.
2.11 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are usually created to show the flow of

message among objects and actors in the system. Sequence
diagrams answer questions about how the system will work.
Once we have created the sequence diagram, you next need to
determine which actors and objects to place on method is
to drag all actors involved in the use case to the sequence
diagram, then walk through the functionality, adding objects to
facilitate that functionality as needed.

Fig 2.2: Registration sequence diagram

2.12 Activity Diagrams

Activity diagram are graphical representation of work flows

of stepwise architecture and action with support for choice
iteration and concurrency. In unified modeling language,
activity diagram can be used to describe the business and
operational step by step work flows of the system. An activity
diagram shows the overall flow of control

Fig 2.3: Activity diagram for login
2.13 Class Design

A class diagram is used to show a sub set of the class,

interfaces, packages of classes and relationships in the system.
A typical system will have many different class diagrams.
A class diagram gives an over view of a system by showing its
classes and the relationships among them class diagrams are
static they display what interacts but not what happen when
they do interact.

Fig 2.4: Class diagram

3.1 Interaction (Dynamic model) diagram

A dynamic model represents the behavior of an object over

time. It is used where the object's behavior is best described as
a set of states that occur in a defined sequence. The components
of the dynamic model are: sequence diagram and class
3.1.1 Collaboration diagram

Collaboration diagrams are interaction diagrams. They

convey the same information as sequence diagrams, but they
focus on object roles instead of the items that messages are
sent. The primary use of collaboration diagram is to quickly
gate an over view of all of the objects that collaborate to
support a given scenario.

Fig 3.1Register Collaboration diagram

3.2 State chart modeling

The state chart diagram shows the change of a register

method through time based upon events that occur and it shows
how the register changes from time. to Connecting state
together are transitions. These represent the events that cause
the register to change from one state to another. Actions
represent tasks that run causing the transitions. Like activity
diagrams, state diagrams have one start and end from at which
the state transition start and end respectively. State diagrams
show the change of a register DB management system over

Fig 3.2 State chart for Login

3.3 Component diagram

The main purpose of the component diagram is to know the structural

relationship between the components of the system. In UML a component
diagram represent implementation items.
Generally components are considered autonomous, encapsulated unites with
in a system or subsystem things that will typically be implemented using
replaceable models.
In component based development, component diagrams after architects a
natural format to begin modeling a solution. Component diagram allow an
architect to verify that a system’s required functionality is being implemented
by components thus ensuring that the eventual systems will be acceptable.
Developers find the component diagram useful because it provides them with
a high level architectural view of the system that they will be building .which
helps developers being formalizing a roadmap for the implementation and make
decision about task assignments and needed skill enhancement

Fig 3.3 Component diagram

3.4 Deployment diagram

Deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time

processing elements and the software components, processing and
objects that live on them .software component instances represents
run-time manifestations of code units.

Fig 3.4 Deployment Diagram

3.5 User Interface Flow Diagram

User interface flow diagram shows the relationships between

the major user interface elements (screens, reports, and so forth)
that compose our application. User interface flow diagrams are
typically used for one of two purposes. First, they are used to
model the interactions that users have with our software, as defined
in a single use case.
 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications by
Grady Booch, Robert A.Maksimchuk, Michael W.Engeletal.
 Andy Harris: PHP6/MySQL programming for the absolute
 Lynda .com project 2010 essential training
 modeling

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