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Arranged by : Fira Amanda

What is Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is a text whose content is
the opinion of the author that describes an
issue as a whole with the aim of influencing or
persuading the reader or listener that
something that is the focus of the
conversation should or should not happen, so
that the reader is affected to do or not do

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Generic Structure

Thesis Argument Recommendation

Contains about the introduction of the In this section, the author will present some In this section, the author submits a
author's main idea about an event, event or arguments or reasons whose purpose is to recommendations, suggestions, or conclusions
topic that was raised or discussed. In this convince the reader to agree with the author's as to what should have happened or been
section, the author describes his or her point of view. done.
point of view on the topic.

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Characteristics of Hortatory Exposition

Temporal conective such as firstly, secondly, and others.

Written sentences are passive words (passive voice)

The grammar used is simple present tense


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