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Basic Components of SMGt

 Strategic Management activities start  It is mental journey.
from vision creation for the org/n. Eg. ECSU; Vision:
 Managers should understand where Excellence in public sector capacity
their org/n be in the long run and how building.
to achieve that.
What are the r/ships b/n effective leaders
 In setting vision internal and external and vision?
factors need to be assessed. This is to
identify the gap b/n what is and what  Purposes of Vision
will be the firm.  Help people to think out of
 Vision tells what the org/n wants to be box( beyond known).
within time bound.  Provide context for judgment.
 Motivate employees for change and

Vision can fail for the ff reasons.

b) Mission
 Reflects internal needs of leaders.  States ‘ purpose of existence’. Specify
 Lack of analysis of internal & external the reason why the org/n is established.
forces. It is ‘dream reality’.
 Lack of acceptance by the market and  Mission is concise introductions of to
implementers. the works of the org/n. It answers the
 Failure to accommodate ‘ stake ff questions.
holders’ need and mismatch of  Why do we exist ( purpose) .
resources.  Who de we service ( know target).
 What services do we provide & how to
 Mission is subject to change (not
 Example of Mission Statement  While formulating org/nal mission,
take the ff into consideration.
 Legal freedom and responsibilities.
ECSU’s Mission
 Stakeholders interest who can affect or
 Building the capacity of the public be affected by the org/n.
sector through education, training,  Points in the vision statement should
research, consultancy and
also included in the mission statement.
professional certification services.
 Creates Motivation.
 Allocate resources.
 Establish org/nal climate.
 Serves as a base for goals &
objectives translation.
Values: Strategic Issues
• Common believes of org/nal members. • are basic policy questions or critical
• Values guide in performing work. challenges that could affect the
mission, vision, values, donors ,
• Values are embodied in ethical themes
such as honesty, integrity, fairness,
finance etc. of the firm. If not solved
respect etc. duly, can lame or paralyze the org/n.
• Every org/n should have these values and
• Identifying strategic issues are
apply by all employees. important: tell on what to focus, render
clues how to solve them, depicts the
Values of ECSU consequences of not addressing them.
 Customer Focus
How to identify strategic
 Commitment
 Continuous Learning • Org/ns may not aware of the strategic
 Welcoming Diversity issues.
 Attention to the Disadvantaged • They have to be identified by
  conducting SWOT analysis.

Strategic issues are 6 to 8 in number and Strategic goals should:

should be determined based on the ff  Reflect the main ideas of mission, vision,
criterion. value.
 Which have the biggest impact  Show realities of external business
 Which are the most immediate environment.
 Which are closest to the shared  Reflect internal capabilities.
values  Reflect strength , weakness, opportunities&
threats stated in your SWOT analysis.
2.3. Strategic Goals and Objectives Objectives
• Strategic goals are end results the org/n  Objectives are specific goals.
want to achieve within the strategic  Indicate how the mission can be
plan period.
• Enables to achieve the mission,  Represent specific planned levels of
vision , values of the firm. achievement
• Like strategic issues, they are parts of  Are quantifiable.
the strategic planning process.
 Allow review and appraisal of

What is the difference b/n goals &

Objectives make clear:

 What is to be accomplished
2.4. Strategic Plan
 How much is to be accomplished
 By when it is to be accomplished • Are arrangement and ordering of the activities
 By whom it is to be accomplished and tasks that will be necessary to carry out the
• Generally, objectives are SMART.
• It involves defining and acquiring resources &
 S=specificity mean tell what to achieve set timeframe to accomplish tasks.
 M= measurable mean end result should Development of strategic plan involves answering
be known. the ff questions.
 What are the alternatives help to achieve goals?
 A= achievable mean feasibility,
 What are barriers of these alternatives?
consensus & commitment of
stakeholders.  What methods be used to achieve alternatives
or reduce barriers?
 R= relevance in relation to goals.  What specific steps be taken to realize the
 T= time bound. methods designed?

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