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Agile Scrum -

What is Agile?

A s/w development methodology which focus on iterative/incremental

delivery, team collaboration, continuous planning, and continuous

 Frequent Results/Delivery
 Continuous Feedback/Correction/Improvement
 Continuous Learning/Adaptation

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Why Agile?

 Requirements are not clear (50% to 60% clarity)

 Continuous evolution of requirements

 Changes in already fixed requirements

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A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation

for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

An Idea…. A theory… A Concept…..

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Agile Principles

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Agile Manifesto

That is, while there is value on the items on the right, agile alliance value the
items on the left more

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Individuals and Interactions over process and tools

 People make biggest impact on success

 Process and environment help, but will not create success

 Strong individuals not enough without good team interaction.

 Individuals may be stronger based on their ability to work on a team not
as an individual performer

 Tools can help, but bigger and better tools can hinder more than help
 Simpler tools can be better

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Working Software over comprehensive documentation

 Documentation important, but too much is worse than too little

 Keep documents short and precise

 Focus effort on producing design/code, not descriptions of it

 Code should document itself

 Produce no document unless its need is immediate and significant.

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Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation

 Not reasonable to specify what’s needed and then have no more

contact until final product delivered

 Get regular customer feedback

 Use contracts to specify customer interaction rather than requirements,

schedule, and cost

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Responding to Change over following a plan

 Environment, requirements, and estimates of work requires change over

course of large project.

 Planning out a whole project doesn’t hold up

 Keep planning realistic

 Know tasks for next couple of weeks
 Rough idea of requirements to work on next few months
 Vague sense of what needs to be done over year

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User Requirements - Epics and Themes


 Are groups of related stories.

 Stories contribute to a common goal or are related in some obvious way, such as
all focusing on a single customer.
 However, while some stories in a theme may be dependent on one another, they
do not need to encapsulate a specific workflow or be delivered together.


 Like themes, epics consists of multiple stories or “Big Story” but these stories
comprise a complete workflow for a user.
 It doesn’t make sense to deliver an epic until all of the stories are complete
because business value isn't realized until the entire epic is complete.

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User Requirements - User Stories

User Story : A description consisting of one or more sentences in the everyday or

business language of the end user or user of a system that captures what a user
does or needs to do as part of his or her job function.

 A small- scale and easy to use presentation of information

 Formulated in everyday language of user which contains only little detail thus
open to interpretation.

 It must have acceptance criteria.

“As a salesperson, I'd like to set my password, so I can log into the system”

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Agile Scrum

An Empirical Methodology for Maximizing ROI (Return on Investment)

of Software Development Projects.

Scrum has,

 Scrum has specific artifacts

 Scrum has specific practices

 Scrum has specific roles

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Scrum: Artifacts-Practices-Roles

Scrum having following elements,

 Artifacts - Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burn down chart, Release Burn down chart

 Practices / Timeboxes – Backlog Grooming, Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Sprint demo,
Sprint Retrospective

 Roles – Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Team

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Scrum Role – Product Owner

 Owns definition of success

 Manages ROI through prioritization and release plans

The Product Owner’s focus is ROI. The Product Owner directs the project,
Sprint by Sprint, to provide the greatest ROI and value to the organization.

Product owner needs to ensure that the product achieves it’s product goals
and provides the necessary end product to the customers.

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Scrum Role – Product Owner

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Scrum Role – Scrum Master

 Owns the process

 Teaches the Product Owner and the Team

The Scrum Master is responsible for the success of the project, and he or she
helps increase the probability of success by helping the Product Owner select the
most valuable product backlog and by helping the Team turn that backlog into

Scrum master has the primary role of ensuring that the scrum moves forward
without problems and is effective for the team.

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Scrum Role – Scrum Master

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Scrum Role – The Team

 Owns the production and engineering process

The Team is responsible for managing itself and has the full authority to do
anything to meet the Sprint goal within the guidelines, standards, and
conventions of the organization and of Scrum.

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Artifact – Product Backlog

Product backlog is a prioritized features list, containing short descriptions of all

functionality desired in the product.

 Prioritized list of work(User stories, Epics) for the development team that is
derived from the roadmap and its requirements.

 Items having high priority will be listed at top of backlog.

 Product owner owns product backlog

 Team doesn't have direct involvement in product backlog but pulls items to
sprint based on their business priority.

 Backlog grooming is the forum where product backlog getting created, but
stories will be added in course of project.

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Artifact – Product Backlog

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Artifact – Product Backlog

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Artifact – Sprint Backlog

Sprint backlog is a list of tasks identified by the scrum team to be

completed during the a sprint.

 Scrum team will prepare as an output of sprint planning

 Sprint backlog will be changed on need basis(Task added/modified)

 Time estimates will be updated daily.

 Scrum master owns sprint backlog.

 Scrum team directly work on sprint backlog.

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Artifact – Sprint Backlog

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Product Increment

 Delivers measurable value

 “Potentially Shippable”: the process can be halted after every

Sprint and there will be some value, some ROI

 Must be a product, no matter how incomplete

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Sprint Burn Down

A sprint burn down is a projection(graphical) of sprint progress in terms of

tasks completed and to be completed against sprint estimates

 A sprint burn down chart projects the progress of sprint with respect to
completed/remaining tasks and burned effort.

 Based on burn down chart, team can readjust their effort to complete
the sprint on time

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Sprint Burn Down

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Product/Release Burn Down

A release burn down is a projection(graphical) of project/product high level

progress in terms of work/sprints completed and to be completed against
estimated project schedule.

 A release burn down chart projects the progress against release

plan(Sprint wise)

 Project completion/Product release dates can be predicted or

readjusted based on release/product burn down charts

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Product/Release Burn Down

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Practice – Backlog Grooming

Grooming (or refinement) is a scrum practice in which the product backlog

items are discussed for sprint planning .

Product grooming is critical in product/release management because it

keeps backlog up to date and getting backlog items ready for upcoming

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Planning Poker and Story Points

Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based, gamified

technique for estimating relative size of user stories.

Story point is a arbitrary(random choice rather than reason) measure used

by Scrum teams to measure the effort required to implement a story or to
represent the size of a user story.

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Planning Poker and Story Points

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Planning Poker and Story Points

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Practice - Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is the forum with which team pulls the user stories from
product backlog into specific sprints based on its priority

The Team decides how to turn the selected requirements into an increment
of potentially shippable product functionality. The Team devises its own tasks
and figures out who will do them.

 Scrum Master describes highest priority features to the Team.

 Team decides what they can commit to delivering in the Sprint.

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Practice – Daily Standup

 Time boxed to fifteen minutes!

 The Team and the Scrum Master only.

 What have you accomplished since yesterday?

 Are your Sprint Backlog estimates accurate?

 What are you working on today?

 Is there anything blocking (Impediments) you?

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Practice – Daily Standup

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Practice - Sprint Demo & Retro

Sprint Demo/Review

 Time boxed to one hour of prep and four hours of meeting.

 Team demonstrates product increment to product owner’s
 Informality is encouraged. PowerPoint is discouraged.

Sprint Retrospective

 Time boxed to three hours.

 Team, Scrum Master, and (optionally) Product Owner review
the last Sprint
 What went well? & What can be improved?
 Actionable items are presented to the Product Owner for
prioritization as non-functional requirements.

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The Sprint
A sprint is a set period of time during which specific list of work(sprint
backlog) has to be completed and made ready for review(Sprint Demo).

 Strictly time boxed to 30 consecutive calendar days( 2 weeks min and 4 weeks
max(rarely 1 week)): It’s more important to fall short than to slip the date

 Activities are visible through the Sprint Backlog and Sprint Burn down Charts

Why are sprints 2 to 4 weeks ?

 Increments that are too large are inefficient: need artifacts, too
much planning
 Increments that are too small are inefficient: hard to deliver
increments of value

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The Sprint

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Sprint Velocity and Story Points

This scrum metric is calculated by reviewing the work team successfully completed
during previous each sprints.

Eg: If the team completed 5 user stories during a sprint and each story was worth
8 story points, then the team's velocity is 40 story points per sprint.

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Agile Mindset - Indicators
Diversity of thought

 New Ideas
 New suggestions
 Good solutions

Sustainable pace

Embrace change - Avoid comfort zones

 Accept challenges

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Agile Mindset - Indicators

High Level of transparency

Urge to communicate & Collaborate

Continuous improvement

Knowledge sharing

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Agile Mindset - Enablers

Transparent about challenges and business plans

Practice "Servant Leadership“

Focus on value creation

Inculcate team level accountability

System of regular feedback

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Agile Mindset - Enablers

Encourage positive disruptions

Encourage 'Fail fast“

Establish communication & collaboration infrastructure

Trust based policies (no policing)

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Agile Scrum


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