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Azim Premji Foundation—

Bringing Professional Excellence

to Philanthropy
Core issues

 Setting metrics: Azim Premji foundation is facing challenges in measuring impacts due to various
complexities involved in social sector and moreover they are facing difficulties to set impact
calendar due to long time periods for the results.
 Management challenges: The NGO is facing a major hurdle in recruiting the right kind of
employees who’s methodologies align with that of the company.
 Financial Challenges: The NGO is facing financial problems in the form of Inflation, which is about
6-7% in India. Therefore, this makes it difficult to maintain a steady rate of return.

 The NGO needs to focus their resources onto developing impact measurement calendar.
Putting in more resources and higher sample size will automatically eliminate any
discrepancies and complexities.
 The NGO needs to make a few changes to their hire policies, by encouraging young
talents who have ideologies matching with that of the organization, rather than focusing
only on academic qualification of the candidates.

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