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Family and Courtship

1 organization
2 place
3. According to descent
• a. Patrilineal
- This is a family that traces its ancestry from
paternal or fathers side.
• b. Matrilineal
- This is a family that traces its roots from the
maternal or mother's side.
• c. Bilineal
- This is a family that traces its ancestry from both
the paternal and maternal side.
4 authority
5. According to form of marriage
• Monogamy
- It is a form of marriage in which there is only one wife and one
• Polygamy
- It is a form of mariage in which a person may have more that
one spouse at a time
• Polyandry
- It is a form of mariage in which a woman may have more than
one husband at atime
• Polygyny
- It is a form of mariage in which a man may have more than one
wife at atime
• Courtship is all forms of behavior
by which one seeks to win the
consent of other for marriage.
• It is the stage preparatory to
Stages of courtship:
1. Dating- is a system in which a man and woman agree to
be together at a designated place and time.
2. Going steady- refers to the practice of dating one person
exclusively, although it does not necessarily imply to
prospect of marriage.
3. Private understanding- among the Filipinos, this takes
place usually during the period of going steady when a man
openly declares his love and affection for the woman and
his desire to have her for a wife.
4. Engagement- the process of falling in love developes first
in private understanding and later culminates in public
Stages of courtship:
3. Private understanding- among the Filipinos,
this takes place usually during the period of
going steady when a man openly declares his
love and affection for the woman and his
desire to have her for a wife.
4. Engagement- the process of falling in love
developes first in private understanding and
later culminates in public announcement.
Marriage is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man
and a woman.
Marriage is both a natural institution and a sacred union
because it is rooted in the divine plan of creation.

Types of marriage
• civil marriage - Is a marriage performed, recorded and
recognized by a government official.
• Religious marriage - recognizes and creates the rights and
obligations intrinsic to matrimony in the eyes of that religion.

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