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Romanians emigration

Mihălcioiu Gabriela
311 B
• Romanians represent the largest community
of Europeans living outside the borders of
the country where they were born. And here
we only count those who have declared their
residence address abroad, but in reality there
are even more.
• The disaster of Romanians leaving for work
abroad continues, but the problem of
migration is taking on new dimensions,
given that most of those who leave have
secondary or higher education and, most
likely, give up their job in Romania.
The phenomenon of emigration of young Romanians has become a worrying
phenomenon its large amplitude, by its limited reversibility, by the significant
losses of active intelligence and power of action they train. Taken in the way
individually, emigration is a personal matter, a decision that a young person
makes in connection with the establishment of his domicile.
Young people in Romania look, in a way predominantly, emigration as a
potential means of stimulating, accelerating achievement socio-professional and
human aspirations, their attitude being permissive, considering emigration a
human right, respectively, a form of the right to freedom movement and the
right to choose freely the country in which to settle.
The diagram below shows the intention of young people to emigrate. Of these,
44% express a desire to emigrate, 41% opt for a temporary departure, and the
remaining 14% choose the option of permanent departure.
• The reasons why young people want to emigrate are: the obstacles encountered in ensuring a decent
life in the country, namely: lack of financial resources, lack of jobs, poverty, standard of living, lack of
career opportunities, professional affirmation, lack of opportunities to continue a studies, lack of
• In the context of the perception of limited access to the country's resources, the ideal to the young
intellectual is emigration. And through this massive wave of emigration it is possible that, in the not too
distant future, Romania will be devoid of values ​of first size in high-performing professions, through
this flight of gray matter valued there and poorly appreciated, today, in our country.
• The consequences of Romanian emigration are devastating in the long run for Romania, on several
levels. Beyond the economic impact, on the labor force, on the aging population, on the state's capacity
to support a large number of pensioners compared to the number of active residents remaining active,
we are already facing a social phenomenon with profound impact on family and relationships in family
and community.
• We could say that what remains a constant cause
of Romanian emigration is the political and
economic situation of the country. The
continuous emigration, in successive waves, in
Conclusions large numbers, of some categories of active
citizens, which could have contributed to the
development of Romania, represents, no matter
how we look at the statistical data, a significant
loss,with unpredictable long-term consequences.

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