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Realism is nonfictional and deals with

practicality, whereas Romanticism is
fictional and deals with imagination.
Romanticism, on the other hand, made
extensive use of emotional gestures. As a
literary movement, a philosophical school,
and an aesthetic way of looking at things
from a different perspective.
What were the main characteristics of Romanticism and Realism?

The emphasis on feelings, imagination, and emotion is what

defines Romanticism. The concept that the world should be
regarded realistically and scientifically is known as realism.
What is Romanticism and Realism in art?

The primary distinction between Romanticism and Realism is that

Realism is concerned with what is genuine, such as scenes from the
lives of the lower classes, whereas Romanticism is highly
romanticized and frequently depicts scenes that are pure fantasy.
What are the similarities and differences of Romanticism
and Realism?

Romanticism is a 19th-century art movement defined by a nostalgic

view of indigenous cultures and a focus on nature as a source of truth
and meaning. Realism is a late-nineteenth-century art movement
characterized by bleak representations of the working class and a
commitment to telling it like it is..
How did Romanticism lead to Realism?

Realism rebelled against the Romantic movement's exotic subject matter,

heightened emotionalism, and drama. Realist painters frequently represented
average laborers and ordinary people in ordinary surroundings engaging in
actual occupations as topics for their works, as they favored images of real life.

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