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Irma McDow’s ClassRoom

Rules Policies & Procedures
Edu 240
Professor Wyckoff
ClassRoom Policies

1)Raise Hand Before Speaking

2)Use Kind Words
3)Say Please and Thank You
4)Follow Directions and Do Your Best
5)Keep our classroom a happy place!
Morning Procedures
1) Greet Ms. Irma when you
enter the room
2) Turn in your homework into the
homework basket

3) Take out your homework

4) Hang up your backpack on your
5) Put your lunchbox in the
bucket (if you have one)

6) Sit at your desk quietly and

complete morning work
Carpet Procedures

1) Always use walking feet to the carpet

2) Sit in your correct color
3) Sit criss cross applesauce
4) Voice level 0 when the teacher is talking
5) Voice level 1 when you are talking to a partner
6) Eyes on your speaker
Bathroom Procedures

1)Put 2 fingers in the air quietly

2)Wait until Ms. Irma calls on you to go the bathroom
3)Walk quietly to the bathroom
4)Use the bathroom and wash your hands
5)Walk back to class quietly
6)Go back to the task you were working on
End of Day

1) Did You Put Your Things Away?

2) Clean Area & Stack Your Chairs
3) Grab Your Backpacks and Lunch
4) Line Up Quietly Once the Bell
Rings Teacher will lead you

1) Stay in line with our class

2) Walking feet to our dismissal spot
3) Point to your parent
4) Give Ms. Irma a high five and
meet your parents

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