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Polar Bear Endagered

General Information

• The polar bear or also known as white

bear, belongs to the largest species of
carnivorous mammals in the world. He
lives in the Earth's northern hemisphere
and is considered a great super-predator.
Can live 30 years maximum.
• Its body is perfectly adapted to its type of habitat and to the
extreme conditions of this one. Its skin has a thick layer of fat
and a lush translucent coat formed by thousands of hairs filled
with air that keep it at a standard temperature.

• Really your skin is black, this to attract more to the sun and
increase your body heat. The white color of its hairs is rather
a reflection of the light and not its color in itself.

• Polar bear is a mammal adaptable to its environment, but

seasonal changes may also represent a problem in relation to
food availability.
• This carnivorous animal feeds
on pups of seals and
sometimes reindeer, getting
to eat up to 30 kg a day of
food. Because the water in
these places is salty, they do
not consume it, and therefore
take advantage of the
necessary fluids from the
blood of their prey.
Over the years, man has hunted polar bears to provide
himself with his flesh and skin. In other cases, simply by
sport or by the false belief that they attack the human
being. This does not happen, as long as you do not feel
threatened within your natural habitat, just like any other

Alarming is the problem of global warming that causes

the melting of the ice representing a constant danger for
this and other animals living in the same conditions,
forcing the white bear to retire to the mainland and to
take actions that completely change their reproductive
cycle. This has led to declining polar bear births.
The survival of the polar bear is linked to the Arctic sea ice, a habitat very
affected by the climatic change. Research shows, however, that it is not too late
to take measures to save sea ice and polar bears, greatly reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. PBI scientists have put together a list of which individual actions
have the most impact .

1.Interpret the facts about global warming to your friends and relatives
2.Encourage members of your social circles to adopt sustainable lifestyles—and
lead by example.
3.Use no more water than needed
4.Buy and cook only what you'll eat.
5.Consume less meat.
6.Minimize consumption: reduce, reuse, and recycle
The polar bears avoid an overpopulation of
seals, by hunting them, by itself and an
overlap of seals, would eat all the fish and
would not be left for the other animals.

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