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“ Nama
Kelompok :
✘ Riska Azmiati
✘ Nina Febri Yani

Lack of blood or anemia is a condition when the body lacks
healthy red blood cells or when red blood cells do not work
properly. As a result, the organs of the body do not get oxygen,
thus making people with anemia quite pale and tired easily.
Anemia can be temporary or long-term, with severity ranging
from mild to severe. Anemia is a blood disorder or hematological
disorder that occurs when the level of hemoglobin (the main part
of red blood cells that binds oxygen) is below normal.


Causes of Anemia
✘ Anemia occurs when the body lacks healthy red blood cells or
hemoglobin. As a result, the cells in the body do not get enough
oxygen and do not function normally (hypoxemia).Broadly
speaking, anemia occurs due to the following three conditions:
Insufficient production of red blood cells.Excessive blood
loss.The destruction of red blood cells is too fast

Symptoms of Anemia
Symptoms of anemia vary widely, depending on the cause.
Patients with anemia may experience symptoms such as:
Weak and tired Headache and dizziness Often sleepy, for
example sleepy after eating Skin looks pale or yellowish
Irregular heart beat Short breath Chest pain Cold in hands
and feet

“ Anemia Prevention
✘ Foods rich in iron and folic acid, such as meat,
cereals, beans, dark green leafy vegetables,
breads, and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin B12,
soybeans, such as tempeh and tofu.



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