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1.Djing (Disc jockeys)

2.Graffiti (art)
3.MCing (rappers)
4. Break Dancing(Bboying) Hip-
hop Dance
Hip Hop refers to Street Dance styles
primarily performed to hip-hop music or
that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.
It includes a wide range of styles which was
created in the 1970s and made popular by
dance crews in the United States. The
television show Soul Train and the 1980s
films Breakin’, Beat Street, and  Wild Style
showcased these crews and dance styles in
their early stages; therefore, giving hip-hop
mainstream exposure.
The dance industry responded with a
commercial, studio-based version of hip-hop
—sometimes called "new style"—and a hip-
hop influenced style of jazz dance called
"jazz-funk". Classically trained dancers
developed these studio styles in order to create
choreography from the hip-hop dances that
were performed on the street. Because of this
development, hip-hop dance is practiced in
both dance studios and outdoor spaces.
The commercialization of hip-hop dance continued
into the 1990s and 2000s with the production of
several television shows and movies such as The
Grind , Planet-B Boys, Rize, Street Dance
3D, America’s Best Dance Crew, Saigon Electric,
the Step Up film series, and The LXD, a web series.
Though the dance is established in entertainment,
including mild representation in theater, it maintains
a strong presence in urban neighborhoods which has
led to the creation of street dance
derivatives Memphis Jookin, Turfing, jerkin’,
and krump.
1980s films, television shows, and the Internet
have contributed to introducing hip-hop dance
outside the United States. Since being exposed,
educational opportunities and dance competitions
have helped maintain its presence worldwide.
Europe hosts several international hip-hop dance
competitions such as the UK B-Boy
Championships, Juste Debout, and EuroBattle.
Australia hosts a team-based competition called
World Supremacy Battlegrounds and Japan hosts
a two-on-two competition called World Dance
What distinguishes hip-hop from other
forms of dance is that it combines elements
of different dance styles and hip-hop dance
crews often engage in choreographed dance
competitions—colloquially referred to as
"battles". Hip-hop dance can be a form of
entertainment or a hobby. It can also be a
way to stay active in competitive dance and
a way to make a living by dancing
Hip hop dance is a fusion dance genre
that incorporates elements of popping,
locking, jazz, ballet, and tap dancing. It
is a fusion dance genre. It primarily
consists of choreography that is not
improvised. Hip hop dancing is
separate from popping, locking, and
other dance styles that are characterized
by specific movements.
1. Popping
Created by Sam Solomon in Fresno,
California and performed by the Electric
Boogaloos dance crew, popping consists of
quickly contracting and relaxing your
muscles, causing a jerk in your body. These
jerks are known as pops or hits. Popping is
performed with other dance moves and
poses to the beat of the music.
Popping Terms:
The Creep
2. Locking
Created by Don Campbell in Los Angeles and
introduced by his crew The Lockers, locking consists of
performing a series of locking movements, which
involves performing a quick movement, "locking" into
another position, then holding the last position for a few
seconds. The hips and legs usually remain in a relaxed
position while movements of the arms and hands are
more distinct and exact. Movements are big and
coordinated closely with the beats of the music. Locking
has a bit of a comedic flair and is usually performed to
funk or soul music. Dancers who perform locking
movements are called "lockers."
Locking Terms
Wrist Roll
Iron Horse
Muscle Man
Scooby Doo
Stop & Go
Skeeter Rabbit
Funky Guitar
Knee Drop
Leo Walk
3. Breaking
Breaking (also referred to as b-boying or b-girling) is
probably the most well-known element of hip hop
dance. Breaking is very unstructured and
improvisational, and evolved from a style of dance
known as uprock. Breaking, or breakdancing, is
composed of movements performed at different
levels: toprock (performed while standing),
downrock (performed close to the floor), power
moves (acrobatics) and freeze moves (poses).
Dancers who perform breakdancing are often called
b-boys, b-girls or breakers.
Breaking Terms
Rock Steady Crew
Zulu Kings
Sal Soul
Crazy Commandos
Dynamic Rockers
New York City Breakers
Air Force Crew
Full Circle
The Bronx Boys
Seven Gems
4. Krumping
is relatively new urban street dance-
form that began in South Central
Los Angeles and is characterized by
free, expressive, and highly
energetic moves involving the arms
and chest. It has become a major
part of hiphop dance culture.

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