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Miftahul Jannah 1902020007

Najatul Ula 1902020004
Nadiya Fajarina 1902020011
Definition of
Validity is a measure that shows the level of
validity or validity of an instrument. The principle of
validity is a measurement or observation which
means the principle of the reliability of the
instrument in collecting data. The instrument must be
able to measure what it is supposed to measure. So
validity emphasizes more on measurement tools or
observations. A measuring scale or instrument can be
said to have high validity if the instrument performs
its measuring function, or provides measurement
results in accordance with the purpose of the
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Meanwhile, a test that has low validity will

produce data that is not relevant to the purpose of the
measurement. Contained here is the notion that the
accuracy of the validity of a measuring instrument
depends on the ability of the measuring instrument to
achieve the desired measurement objectives correctly.
A test that is intended to measure variable A and then
provide measurement results regarding variable A, is
said to be a measuring instrument that has high
validity. A test that is intended to measure variable A
but produces data on variable A' or even B, is said to
be a measuring tool that has low validity to measure
variable A and high validity to measure variable A' or
Validity measurement is actually carried out to
find out how much (in a quantitative sense) a
psychological aspect is contained in a person, which is
stated by the score on the measuring instrument in
question. In terms of social science measurement, ideal
validity is not easy to achieve. Measurement of
psychological and social aspects contains more sources
of error (error) than the measurement of physical
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We can never be sure that the intrinsic validity has been

fulfilled because we cannot prove it empirically directly.
The notion of the validity of measuring instruments is not
generally accepted for all measuring purposes. A measuring
instrument produces a valid measure only for one particular
measuring purpose. There is no measuring instrument that
can produce a valid measure for various measuring
purposes. Therefore, a statement such as "this measuring
instrument is valid" is not complete if it is not followed by
information that indicates its purpose, namely valid for
what and valid for whom.
Various Kinds of
• Content peralatan
Validity The validity of the output,
content of yaitu:
a test is concerned
 Headphone berfungsi
with how far a test measures the sama
level seperti
of masteryspeaker yaitu
of the content of a
particular material that should be mastered in accordance with the
purpose of teaching. Suara namun
In other words, a testdalam kapasita
that has good content
validitykecil Dithatbandingkan
is a test dengan
actually measures masteryspeaker.
of the material that
should be mastered in accordance with the teaching content listed in
the Teaching Program Outlines (GBPP).
• Face Validity: Advance validity is the type of validity with the
lowest significance because it is only based on a cursory assessment
of the content of the measuring instrument. If the contents of the
measuring instrument appear to be in accordance with what you
want to measure, it can be said that the advance validity has been
met. For practical reasons, many measuring instruments whose use
is limited only rely on face validity. Measuring instruments or
psychological instruments in general cannot depend on their quality
only on face validity. Psychological measuring tools whose
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• Logical peralatan
Validity: Validitas output,
logis yaitu:
disebut juga sebagai
 validitas
Headphone berfungsi
sampling samavalidity).
(sampling seperti Validitas
speaker tipe
mengeluarkan pada sejauhmana
Suara namun isi alatdalam
ukur kapasita
lebih kecil Di daribandingkan
aspek yangdengan
diukur. Untuk
memperoleh validitas logis yang tinggi suatu alat ukur harus
dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga benar-benar berisi
hanya item yang relevan dan perlu menjadi bagian alat ukur
secara keseluruhan. Suatu objek ukur yang hendak diungkap
oleh alat ukur hendaknya harus dibatasi lebih dahulu
kawasan perilakunya secara seksama dan konkrit. Batasan
perilaku yang kurang jelas akan menyebabkan terikatnya
item-item yang tidak relevan dan tertinggalnya bagian
penting dari objek ukur yang seharusnya masuk sebagai
bagian dari alat ukur yang bersangkuatan. Validitas logis
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• Construct Validity: isperalatan output,
usually used yaitu: that are
for instruments
 intended
Headphone berfungsi
to measure sama
concept sepertiboth
variables, speaker yaitu
those that are
typical performance
mengeluarkan Suarasuch namun
as instruments
dalam tokapasita
lebih kecilinterests, self-concept, dengan
Di bandingkan locus of speaker.
control, leadership
style, achievement motivation, and others, as well as those
that are performance. such as instruments to measure talent
(aptitude test), intelligence (intellectual intelligence),
emotional intelligence and others. To determine the
construct validity of an instrument, a theoretical review
process must be carried out from a concept of the variable to
be measured, starting from the formulation of the construct,
determining the dimensions and indicators, to the
elaboration and writing of the items of the instrument. The
formulation of the construct must be carried out based on the
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 Empirical peralatan
validity output,validity
Empirical yaitu: is the
 Headphone berfungsivalidity,
same as criterion sama seperti
mengeluarkan Suara namun
validity is determined based dalam kapasita
on criteria, both
lebih kecil criteria
internal Di bandingkan dengancriteria.
and external speaker.Internal
criteria are the tests or instruments themselves
that become criteria, while external criteria are
the results of measuring instruments or other
tests outside the instrument itself that become
criteria. Other measures that are considered
standard or reliable can also be used as external

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