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“How to….” game. You need to brainstorm “how to..

topic. Then make 6 sentences with the modals. The partner
needs to guess the topic


Mustn't can sound quite strong,
so we often prefer can't or be
not allowed to.
People aren’t allowed to /can ’t
leave rubbish outside without a
sticker on the bag.
I’m afraid you’re not allowed to
/you can’t eat food in here.

Must to go
Must is be
Discuss these questions.
• Can you think of a time you got a lot of presents? What did you get?
• Do you think people ever get too many presents? Why? I Why not?
• What was the last present you received? What was the occasion? Were
you happy with it?
• What’s the best present you’ve ever received / given? What was so
good about it?
• Have you ever received any strange or bad presents? Who from? What
was wrong with them?

(86)Listen to four people talking about presents they have received.

Answer the questions for each speaker.
1 What presents did they get?
2 What was the occasion?
3 Were they happy with the presents when they got them?

A rock
Re-tell the whole stories using the words below.

1I also loved the way she told me/ gave me clues / click the link
2 lived close / save loads(a lot of) of money on petrol/ lose weight
3 kind of message does it send on/ from then on / broke up
4 suddenly said / to be polite / blowing away

Listen again. Did you miss anything from the stories?
Discuss the questions.

• Which of the presents mentioned do you think is the best / worst?

• What message do you think the third speaker’s ex boyfriend was
sending her? Do you think she was right to break up? What would you
do if something similar happened to you?

Discuss the questions.
• Do you ever send cards / e-cards to people? Why?
• Do you ever cook dinner for people? When was the last time?
• What did you cook? What was it like?
• When was the last time someone cooked you dinner? What was it
• Have you ever lent someone some money? Did they pay you back?
• Who do you usually tell your secrets to? Why?
Decide what is the best present to get in each of the situations below.
Explain your ideas. Some of the expressions in the box may help.

What do you know about this place? Think about:

its location. its history. what it’s famous for. any literature / art / music
that is connected to the city.
SB p 130 ex 2-4

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